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In 1999, General Motors spun off its entire components manufacturing business which was extensive and worldwide. Not quite six years later, October 2005, the fledgling corporation known as Delphi Automotive filed for bankruptcy. In February, 2009, the Bankruptcy Court determined that Delphi could terminate unvested retiree welfare benefits (medical, dental, vision and life insurance) without following the procedures set forth in Section 1114 of the Bankruptcy Code. The Court also appointed a Retirees' Committee, referred to as the 1114 Committee, for purposes including meeting and conferring with the debtors over any consensual modifications to the Provisional Salaried OPEB Termination Order in return for waiving or settling the right to appeal from entry of that order. The Court finalized its ruling authorizing Delphi to cease OPEB contributions as of April1, 2009.


Under the Settlement, the Debtors agreed that the Debtors would pay $8.75 million in overall subsidy payments to the Salaried Retirees' Committee for the benefit of Delphi's salaried retirees. The Settlement Order also authorized the Salaried Retiree 1114 Committee to form the DSRA VEBA Trust to offer a benefit eligible for the Health Coverage Tax Credit under Internal Revenue Code. The HCTC benefit now pays 72.5% of the cost of health and prescription drug benefits for eligible retirees who are at least 55 but not yet 65 and who are receiving benefits from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ("PBGC") because of termination of their defined benefit pension plan and turnover of the plan to the PBGC.


Subsequently the defined benefit pension plan of the salaried employees of the Debtors was terminated July 31, 2009 and the PBGC took over as trustee of the terminated defined benefit pension plan of the salaried retirees August 4, 2009, triggering eligibility for the HCTC. The Salaried Retirees 1114 Committee formed the DSRA VEBA Trust and together with the original DSRA VEBA Trust trustees, created a trust agreement to govern the DSRA VEBA Trust. A board of trustees for the DSRA VEBA Trust was appointed, and with the assistance of an outside insurance broker, the DSRA VEBA Trust obtained competitive quotes from various insurers and rolled out a benefit for eligible salaried retirees and their dependants, intended to be particularly attractive for those eligible for HCTC subsidies. Over 4700 retirees and dependants initially enrolled in the benefits offered. A hardship process was established that has provided further assistance to salaried retirees with extraordinary needs out of the funds provided by the Debtors.


Concurrent with the termination of the salaried employees defined pension plan, Delphi also terminated the hourly rate employees defined benefit pension plan and the PBGC also took over as trustee of that plan, again triggering eligibility for the HCTC.


The DSRA VEBA Trust trustees board voted to expand eligibility, contingent on the Bankruptcy Court's approval, to ensure that the hourly Delphi retirees would be eligible for HCTC subsidies available under the DSRA VEBA Trust benefit plans. The Court subsequently entered an order authorizing the VEBA to provide benefits for hourly retirees and their dependants, intended to be eligible for the HCTC subsidies. Thereafter, numerous hourly employees elected the more heavily HCTC-subsidized benefit from the DSRA VEBA Trust over what they might have otherwise been eligible for under agreements with General Motors.

dsra benefit trust board

This is the Official website of the Delphi Salaried Retiree Association (DSRA) VEBA (Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association) managed by the DSRA Benefit Trust. The VEBA is for Delphi Salaried and hourly retirees that provides medical and life insurance programs for eligible members.


DSRA Benefit Trust Board Members

Paul Beiter, Chair, April 1, 2025

Lori Ostrander, Treasurer, April 1, 2027 

Sharon Delezenne, Secretary, April 1, 2026

Steven Duca, Member-at-large, April 1, 2026

Greg White, Member-at-large, April 1, 2025



DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 

150 Bastian Road

Rochester, NY 14623


Providing the DSRA BT VEBA with the best medical and life insurance programs!

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Some of these component benefit programs require you to make an annual election to enroll for coverage. The details of such annual elections are described in the plan summaries and booklets, and in the enrollment materials.


Each of these component benefit programs are summarized in a certificate of insurance booklet issued by an insurance company or other governing document prepared by said insurance companies. Copies of each booklet, summary or other governing document are available on the DSRA-BT website. The component benefit programs may contain applicable caps or other limits on benefits under the Plan. This document and the plan certificates and booklets constitute the Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) for each of the component plans to the extent required by ERISA § 102.


Plan Name

The Plan is the “DSRA Benefit Trust Plan.”

Type of Plan

This is a welfare benefit plan that provides medical, prescription drug, vision, dental and voluntary life insurance benefits to Eligible Retirees. By virtue of being offered through a VEBA, the component benefit programs offered for those under 65 years of age are intended to be qualified to take advantage of Health Coverage Tax Credits (“HCTC”). The Plan also offers alternative coverage for Eligible Retirees who are or who become Medicare eligible (see restrictions herein) when Eligible Retirees are enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B.

Plan Year

The plan year is January 1st – December 31st.

Plan Identification Number

Plan Number: 501

Plan Sponsor

The DSRA-BT VEBA is the Plan Sponsor. All communications to the Plan, other than service of legal process, should be sent to the Plan’s Third Party Administrator (Benistar) listed under the Customer Service Tab.

Plan Sponsor’s Employer Identification Number

(EIN): 26-4594868

Plan Administrator

The DSRA-BT VEBA Board of Directors (“VBOD”) administers the Plan.

Communications for service of legal process should be sent to:

DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 150 Bastian Road Rochester, NY 14623

Third Party Administrator

The VBOD has contracted with the Plan’s Third Party Administrator to administer the benefits under the Plan. You may contact the Plan’s Third Party Administrator at the address and phone number shown on the General Contact Information Page.

Type of Administration of the Plan

The Plan is administered independently from the DSRA-BT VEBA through the Plan’s Third Party Administrator under the guidance of the VBOD.

Insurance Issuer

The benefits and insurance for all participants are provided through group insurance policies. The names and addresses of the insurance issuers are listed in the Ready Reference Page.

Plan Fiduciaries

The VBOD shall have the authority to control and manage the Plan. The members of the VBOD shall be the “named fiduciaries,” within the meaning of Section 402(a) of ERISA, of the DSRA VEBA.

Discretionary Authority of the VBOD

In carrying out its responsibilities under the VEBA Trust, the VBOD will have absolute discretionary authority to terminate the Plan or any portion thereof, including but not limited to any of the component benefit programs (consistent with the DSRA-BT VEBA), to amend or eliminate benefits offered through the Plan, to make factual determinations, to interpret and construe the terms of the Plan (and any related documents and underlying policies or regulations), to determine eligibility and entitlement to Plan benefits (and the amounts thereof) in accordance with the terms of the Plan, and to determine monthly retiree subsidies to the Current Retirees (as defined herein) on actuarial recommendations concerning the amounts that can be subsidized while still preserving the required assets needed for long-term funding of the DSRA-BT and in amounts that the VBOD decides in its discretion that the Current Retirees (as defined herein) are entitled to as subsidies and/or Hardship Funds. All such decisions shall be final and legally binding on all parties affected thereby. Any interpretation, determination, or other action of the DSRA VEBA and/or the VBOD shall be subject to review only if it is arbitrary or capricious or otherwise an abuse of discretion. Accepting any benefits or making any claim for benefits under this Plan constitutes an agreement with and consent to any decision that the VBOD makes, in its sole discretion and, further constitutes an agreement to the limited standard and scope of review described herein. If the Plan is terminated, the assets held by the DSRA VEBA will be allocated and disposed pursuant to the terms of the DSRA-BT VEBA.

Important Disclaimers

Benefits hereunder are provided pursuant to insurance or PPO arrangements, HMO contracts or pursuant to other governing plan documents adopted by the DSRA VEBA. If the terms of this document conflict with the terms of such insurance or HMO or governing plan documented, then the terms of the insurance contracts, PPO arrangements, HMO contracts or other governing plan document will control over this document, unless otherwise required by law. Some of the component benefit programs offered through the Plans are designed to take advantage of available Health Coverage Tax Credits solely by virtue of offering certain benefits through a VEBA structure set up in conjunction with the bankruptcy of the Eligible Retirees’ former employer and otherwise to the extent currently provided by applicable law. The DSRA VEBA does not guarantee that any Eligible Retiree or class of retirees will be eligible for the HCTC program nor the timing or amount of any HCTC credit and/or reimbursement, nor should any information reflected herein be considered tax advice with respect to any Eligible Retirees seeking to take advantage of an HCTC program.

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