
Delivery Date: 03/19/2024
Subject: ​
> DSRA Benefit Trust Board Election Update
The election committee for the DSRA Benefit Trust is pleased to announce that we have one candidate that has submitted her name for a position on the Board of Directors of DSRA Benefit Trust. Lori Ostrander who is a current board member.
The DSRA-BT Election Procedure, section 4.8, states the following:
4.8 If, at the end of the nomination process for DSRA BT Board candidates, the number of candidates approved to be eligible to run for the DSRA Board does not exceed the number of open positions available for election, then the DSRA BT Board may declare that an actual election is not required. In this case, all approved candidates will be considered elected Board Members. The current Board will announce the names of the new Board members to the DSRA BT membership immediately.
In accordance with this procedure, the Board is declaring that an election is not required since we have one nominee and one open position. Therefore, we are announcing that Lori Ostrander is considered an elected Board Member. Lori will continue in her role with the DSRA-BT Board which is a three-year term.
We appreciate Lori volunteering for another term.
The Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Greg White
Delivery Date: 03/04/2024
Subject: ​
> The DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 2024 Election
Dear Fellow Retiree,
It is once again time to hold an election for our DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors (BoD). We have one board member, Lori Ostrander, whose terms will expire. Lori has decided to seek reelection.
If you are interested in being a candidate in the upcoming election, we will issue more specific information in a few days. The following are a few “key dates” to be aware of:
March 6, 2024 to March 15, 2024 – Receive candidate nominations
March 18, 2024 – Official announcement of candidates
March 20, 2024 to March 26, 2024 – Polls open for eligible voters
March 30, 2024 – Announce election results
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Greg White
Delivery Date: 01/10/2024
Subject: ​
> Action Request for HCTC Reauthorization from ALL DSRA BT Members
Dear Members,
The time to act is NOW! Our pre-65 members have gone without the HCTC subsidy for the past two years. This hardship is one that Congress has created by it's inability to address important issues that directly affect our membership. We must work together to force the hand of Congress to take up the task of reauthorizing this important subsidy. While several bills have been introduced by HCTC supporters in Congress, none have been voted on and therefore no action has been taken. It is time Congress do the work of the people by including reauthorization in a bill.
The next tax legislation is currently being debated in the House Ways and Means Committee meetings. This is Congress' opportunity to include H.R.2914 or any of the other bills introduced to tax legislation that must be passed. Please take the time to reach out to all of your representatives (especially Majority members) and ask that the HCTC be included in this legislation. Below is a list of each member of the committee. You can find each member's contact information by going to the House.gov page which is linked at the bottom of this email and searching by name.
Your voice matters! Please take the time to reach out to your Congressional representatives in the House and the Senate to ask for their support for the HCTC reauthorization. This request is to ALL DSRA Benefit Trust members, Pre 65 and Post 65, contact your U.S. Congressional Representatives and ask for the HCTC extension. If you reside in one of the Congressional districts of a House Ways and Means Committee Congressmen, please send them a fax, email or call to express your support of the HCTC program.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
Call or Email Today!
Delivery Date: 06/14/2023
Subject: ​
> Representative Kildee Introduces New Bill to Permanently Extend HCTC and increase the Subsidy
Dear Members,
Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-08) has introduced a bill that would permanently extend the HCTC as well as increase the subsidy from 72.5% to 80%. This would be a huge win for DSRA BT members and their families who qualify for the HCTC. Please see the Congressman's Press Release below for more information. We will continue to ask Congress to act on this important legislation and we ask that you also continue to reach out to your Congressmen as well.
Kildee Introduces Bill to Make Health Care More Affordable
for Delphi Salaried Retirees & Workers Impacted by Bad Trade Deals
Legislation Would Restore Health Coverage Tax Credit
to Lower Health Care Costs for Michigan Workers and Retirees
WASHINGTON—Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-08) on June 7 introduced the Bob von Schwedler Permanent Health Coverage Tax Credit Expansion Act, new legislation to help Michigan workers and retirees—including Delphi Salaried Retirees and those hurt by bad trade deals—cover the cost of health care.
“Every Michigander deserves access to quality, affordable health care. That includes Delphi Salaried Retirees who were left hanging through no fault of their own and hardworking Michiganders who have lost jobs due to bad trade deals,” said Congressman Kildee. “I’m proud to introduce my bill to restore this critical program and make it permanent, to lower health care costs for thousands of Michigan workers and retirees.”
Congressman Kildee’s bill would permanently extend the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC). The HCTC helps Americans cover their health insurance costs if they are retired and their pensions have been taken over by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), or if their job was outsourced abroad and they qualify for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Thousands of Delphi Salaried Retirees qualify for this credit, along with Michigan workers who have lost their jobs due to bad trade deals. Congressman Kildee’s legislation would also increase the credit to cover 80% of health insurance costs for workers and retirees who claim the credit.
In addition to Congressman Kildee, the bill is cosponsored by Representatives Earl Blumenauer (OR-03), Elissa Slotkin (MI-07), Dwight Evans (PA-03), Gwen Moore (MI-04) and Terri Sewell (AL-07).
Until it expired in December 2021, many Delphi Salaried Retirees and their families relied on the HCTC to help pay for their health insurance. Without it, the health and financial stability of many Delphi Salaried Retirees and workers is in danger. These hardworking retirees have already suffered significant losses to their benefits and financial security because of General Motors’ 2009 bankruptcy, with devastating impacts on many of their lives.
“On behalf of the salaried retirees of Delphi, we thank Congressman Kildee for his representation and initiative to go to bat for us again to improve the lives of thousands of retirees. Congressman Kildee's announcement about the Bob von Schwedler Permanent Health Coverage Tax Credit Expansion Act, which would increase the Health Coverage Tax Credit from 72.5% to 80% and make the credit permanent is fantastic news and much appreciated by members of the DSRA Benefit Trust and many others outside of Delphi whose pension is now administered by the PBGC,” said Paul Beiter, Chair of the Delphi Salaried Retirees Association (DSRA) Benefits Trust.
Congressman Kildee’s legislation is named after Bob von Schwedler. Bob worked as a salaried manager at Delphi for almost 36 years before his pension plan was terminated due to the GM bankruptcy, just one year into retirement. Bob was then diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable bone marrow cancer. Bob’s treatment came with many hospital visits and bills, with some costing as much as $500,000. The HCTC was critical in helping Bob cover the cost of treatment until he qualified for Medicare. Bob is now in remission and attributes his recovery, in part, to the HCTC.
“After receiving my Delphi pension for less than a year, my pension plan was terminated and taken over by the PBGC. At the same time, my ‘lifetime’ health care benefit was terminated. This was a doubly shocking financial event that caused both my wife and I to wonder how we were going to survive,” said Bob von Schwedler, former Delphi Worker. “What helped us greatly was the Health Coverage Tax Credit. In 2016, when I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, the HCTC covered the entire cost of my treatment. You cannot believe what a relief it was to know that I did not find myself in a severe financial situation in order to fight a non-curable cancer. There is no doubt that Congressman Kildee’s bill would be extremely beneficial to the many Americans who are similarly affected.”
“Practically every week the National Retiree Legislative Network receives emails asking when the Health Coverage Tax Credit is going to be renewed,” said Bill Kadereit, President of the National Retiree Legislative Network. “The NRLN has consistently advocated for HCTC and understands how important it is to their members. After years of being reauthorized, HCTC expired in December 2021. It was very disappointing that Congress ignored our pleas to make the HCTC permanent in 2022. It is time for members of both parties to vote to pass the Bob von Schwedler Permanent Health Coverage Tax Credit Expansion Act. On behalf of all the members of the NRLN, we thank Congressman Kildee for championing this issue. Passage of this bill will help those who lost their company-sponsored healthcare insurance through no fault of their own.”
“The HCTC has helped countless workers and retirees maintain access to vital healthcare benefits after experiencing a job loss due to foreign trade or having their pension moved to the PBGC. Congressman Kildee’s bill will restore and increase this vital lifeline for hardworking families across Michigan and the United States. United Steelworkers thanks Congressman Kildee for ensuring these hardworking families can afford to maintain their healthcare coverage,” said Roy Houseman, Legislative Director of United Steelworkers.
“Thank you, Congressman Kildee, for your persistence in reauthorizing the Health Coverage Tax Credit. The HCTC is absolutely critical to keeping health care costs manageable for our flight attendants who will retire with PBGC pensions. These are workers who already lost retiree medical benefits during airline bankruptcies and have been relegated to reduced pension formulas under the PBGC. However, the HCTC will help reduce some of the financial burden for those between ages 55 and Medicare eligibility. Workers should not have to worry about the cost of basic healthcare,” said Julie Hedrick, National President, Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA).
For years, Congressman Kildee has led the fight in Congress to support Delphi Salaried Retirees. In July 2022, the House of Representatives passed Kildee’s bipartisan Susan Muffley Act—supported by Republicans and Democrats—to restore the terminated pensions of more than 20,000 hardworking Delphi Salaried Retirees.
Please take the time to reach out to your Congressional representatives in the House and the Senate to ask for their support for the HCTC reauthorization. This request is to ALL Trust members, Pre 65 and Post 65, contact your U.S. Congressional Representatives and ask for the HCTC extension. If you reside in the Congressional district of Rep. Kildee, please send him a note of thanks for his continued support of the program.
Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program in 2023 and beyond.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
Delivery Date: 04/26/2023
Subject: ​
> Bipartisan Representatives Introduce New Bill to Extend HCTC until 2028 and make Retroactive for 2022 and 2023
Dear Members,
We have some news regarding the reauthorization of the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC). A bipartisan group of Congressmen, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) have introduced a bill (bill number not yet assigned) that would extend the HCTC until 2028. In addition to this extension, the bill would also make the HCTC retroactive to the beginning of 2022 allowing participants to request health insurance premium reimbursements for that time period.
The press release from Mike Turner can be found HERE. There is also an article in the Dayton Daily News that can be found HERE.
Please take the time to reach out to your Congressional representatives in the House and the Senate to ask for their support for the HCTC reauthorization. This request is to ALL DSRA Benefit Trust members, Pre 65 and Post 65, contact your U.S. Congressional Representatives and ask for the HCTC extension. If you reside in one of the Congressional districts of the above-mentioned Congressmen, please send them a note of thanks for their continued support of the program.
Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program in 2023 and beyond.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
Delivery Date: 03/06/2023
Subject: ​
> Nomination Process for DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 2023 Election
March 6, 2023
Request for BoD Candidates:
As previously communicated, the DSRA-BT BoD Election Committee will now accept nominations from those individuals interested in being considered as a candidate in the upcoming BoD election. We will accept nominations until March 17, 2023.
To be considered for one of these important positions, you must submit the required documentation that can be found in the “2023 Election Documentation” folder on the www.DSRABenefitTrust.net website by March 17, 2023. Submit your documents as attachments to an email at this address: sdelebus@gmail.com. Immediately thereafter, the candidates will be announced, the resumes will be posted, and the candidates may use public media to promote their candidacy. If we should have fewer candidates than openings, per our Election Procedure, voting will not be held and all approved, eligible candidates will be appointed to the board without a formal election. Note that only one person per household can serve simultaneously.
Contents of the “2023 Candidate Election Materials” folder:
1) Candidate Instructions
2) Candidate Qualifications Requirements
3) Conflict of Interest Policy with Supplier List
4) Candidate Registration Form – must be submitted per instruction
5) Candidate Resume Form – must be submitted per instruction
Candidates that wish to communicate their operating philosophy, goals, objectives, etc. to the eligible voters may do so by adding that information to their resume.
There will be future communications provided concerning election timing, voter eligibility and instruction.
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Greg White
Lori Ostrander
Delivery Date: 03/02/2023
Subject: ​
> The DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 2023 Election
Dear Fellow Retiree,
It is once again time to hold elections for our DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors (BoD). We have two board members, Sharon Delezenne and Steve Duca, whose terms will expire. Both Sharon and Steve have decided to seek reelection.
If you are interested in being a candidate in the upcoming election, we will issue more specific information in a few days. The following are a few “key dates” to be aware of:
March 6, 2023 to March 17, 2023 – Receive candidate nominations
March 20, 2023 – Official announcement of candidates
March 21, 2023 to March 28, 2023 – Polls open for eligible voters
March 31, 2023 – Announce election results
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Greg White
Lori Ostrander
Delivery Date: 12/08/2022
Subject: ​
> Bipartisan Contingency of Congressmen send Letter of Support for HCTC Reauthorization to Pelosi and McCarthy
Dear Members,
We have some good news regarding support for the HCTC. A bipartisan group of Congressmen lead by Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) and Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) and joined by Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) and Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) have sent a letter of support for the HCTC program's reauthorization to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Leader Kevin McCarthy. The letter sent to the two Congressional leaders describes the importance of the HCTC program to retirees whose pensions have been turned over to the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC). Please read the article in the Dayton Daily News HERE.
We are hopeful that Congress will take up the reauthorization of the HCTC by the end of the year. Now is the time to contact your House and Senate Congressional representatives and asking for their support of the HCTC program while this letter is on the minds of these leaders. This request is to ALL DSRA Benefit Trust members, Pre 65 and Post 65, contact your U.S. Congressional Representatives and ask for the HCTC extension to be included in the America Competes legislation. If you reside in one of the Congressional districts of the above-mentioned Congressmen, please send them a note of thanks for their continued support of the program.
Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program in 2022 and beyond.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
Delivery Date: 11/15/2022
Subject: ​
- Virtual Meeting Thursday, Nov. 17th, 10:00am EST
2023 Open Enrollment is here! Members may remember the new BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans introduced during Open Enrollment of 2022 as well as the new BCBSM Prescription Drug plans available to members. These plans have offered more benefits to our members while providing a considerable cost savings over the past year. The same plans will be offered at the same rates for 2023. However, there is a new prescription drug processing company, Optum RX for 2023. Your existing prescriptions, except controlled substances such as pain medication, will automatically transfer to Optum RX so no need to provide a new prescription when visiting your pharmacy. By law, you will need to provide a new prescription to Optum RX for controlled substance medications. If you do use auto pay for your mail delivery prescriptions, you will need to complete a new credit card processing form with Optum RX. Benistar Call Center will have these forms available to send to you during 2023 Open Enrollment if you need one. If you are under the care of a physician and require time sensitive treatment, please contact the Benistar Call Center after December 26 and prior to your first treatment of 2023 to ensure availability of services. These plan updates will be discussed during the call on Thursday, November 17. Please join us at 10:00am EST for this informational Virtual Meeting and/or Conference Call with Q&A following the Presentation.
Virtual Meeting Information
The Virtual Meeting /Conference Call will be Thursday, 11/17/22 and is available to all Trust members. Please join us at 10:00am EST.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 238 218 159 338
Passcode: XYwtVy
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 313-314-1414,,246531524# United States, Detroit
Phone Conference ID: 246 531 524#
Subject: ​
- BCBSM Medicare Advantage Plans
- BCBSM Prescription Drug Plans
- Virtual Meeting Friday, Nov. 4th, 10:00am EST
Delivery Date: 10/26/2022
2023 Open Enrollment is here! Members may remember the new BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans introduced during Open Enrollment of 2022 as well as the new BCBSM Prescription Drug plans available to members. These plans have offered more benefits to our members while providing a considerable cost savings over the past year. The same plans will be offered at the same rates for 2023. However, there is a new prescription drug processing company, Optum RX for 2023. Your existing prescriptions, except controlled substances such as pain medication, will automatically transfer to Optum RX so no need to provide a new prescription when visiting your pharmacy. By law, you will need to provide a new prescription to Optum RX for controlled substance medications. If you do use auto pay for your mail delivery prescriptions, you will need to complete a new credit card processing form with Optum RX. Benistar Call Center will have these forms available to send to you during 2023 Open Enrollment if you need one. If you are under the care of a physician and require time sensitive treatment, please contact the Benistar Call Center after December 26 and prior to your first treatment of 2023 to ensure availability of services. These plan updates will be discussed during the call on Friday, November 4. Please join us at 10:00am EST for this informational Virtual Meeting and/or Conference Call with Q&A following the Presentation.
Virtual Meeting Information
The Virtual Meeting /Conference Call will be Friday, 11/04/22 and is available to all Trust members. Please join us at 10:00am EST.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 242 343 173 705
Passcode: u8THCT
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 313-314-1414,,84404793# United States, Detroit
Phone Conference ID: 844 047 93#
Subject: ​
2022 Open Enrollment Coming Soon
HCTC Reauthorization Update
Delivery Date: 10/08/2022
Dear DSRA Benefit Trust Member,
The 2022 Open Enrollment period is quickly approaching. Post 65 participants may see some modifications in 2023 but all plan benefits will remain the same. The Medicare Advantage plan benefits and rates are unchanged for 2023. If you are enrolled in the BCBSM prescription drug plan, the previous company that processed prescriptions will be replaced by Optum RX for 2023. All prescription drug participants will receive a new prescription drug card. Please join the BCBSM Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plan call on Tuesday, October 11 at 10:00am EST for more information (313)314-1414 Conf. ID: 218529351#. The Hartford Supplemental plan benefits remain the same, but rates will increase by 4% in 2023. MetLife insurance benefits and rates remain the same for 2023. Please watch for more information including enrollment materials in the near future.
Pre 65 BCBSM medical, dental and vision plan benefits will remain the same, however; there will be an average 5.6% increase in Pre 65 plan rates for 2023. At this time, the HCTC is not reauthorized by Congress for 2022 or 2023 and beyond. We still remain optimistic that Congress will extend the HCTC program in future legislation since it is part of the much larger Trade Adjustment Act (TAA) legislation that has also not been addressed in all of 2022. When/if the HCTC program is addressed, we still anticipate the program to become permanent (no more reauthorization delays) and at a higher subsidy of 80%. Please continue to reach out to your Congressional representatives to express your need for the HCTC program's continuation. More 2022 Open Enrollment information including Open Enrollment materials will be emailed next week with enrollment brochures to follow in the mail.
As always, if you do not wish to change your 2022 insurance plan selections, you will be automatically enrolled in the same plans for 2023.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
Review 2022 Medicare Information for detail on new plans!
Subject: ​
BCBSM Medicare Advantage Plans
BCBSM Prescription Drug Plans
Virtual Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 11, 10:00am EST
Delivery Date: 10/07/2022
Dear DSRA Benefit Trust Members,
Members may remember the new BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans introduced during Open Enrollment of 2021 as well as the new BCBSM Prescription Drug plans available to members. These plans have offered greater benefits to our members while providing a considerable cost savings over the past year. The same plans will be offered at the same rates for 2023. However, there is a new prescription drug processing company, Optum RX for 2023. Your existing prescriptions will automatically transfer to Optum RX so no need to provide a new prescription when visiting your pharmacy. If you do use auto pay for your mail delivery prescriptions, you will need to complete a new credit card processing form with Optum RX. Benistar Call Center will have these forms available to send to you during 2023 Open Enrollment if you need one. If you are under the care of a physician and require time sensitive treatment, please contact the Benistar Call Center to be placed on a watch list to ensure availability of services. These plan updates will be discussed during the call on Tuesday, October 11. Please join us at 10:00am EST for this informational Virtual Meeting and/or Conference Call with Q&A following the Presentation.
Virtual Meeting Information
The Virtual Meeting /Conference Calls beginning Tuesday, 10/11/22 and is available to all Trust members. Please join us at 10:00am EST.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 246 017 212 412
Passcode: SVLjQg
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 313-314-1414,,218529351# United States, Detroit
Phone Conference ID: 218 529 351#
Subject: ​
2022 Open Enrollment Coming Soon
HCTC Reauthorization Update
Delivery Date: 10/07/2022
Dear DSRA Benefit Trust Member,
The 2022 Open Enrollment period is quickly approaching. Post 65 participants will see few changes between 2022 and 2023 plans. The Medicare Advantage plan benefits and rates are unchanged for 2023. The prescription drug processor will change to Optum RX for 2023. All prescription drug participants will receive a new prescription drug card. Please join the BCBSM Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plan call on Tuesday, October 11 at 10:00am EST for more information (313)314-1414 Conf. ID: 218529351#. The Hartford Supplemental plan rates will increase by 4% in 2023. Please watch for more information including enrollment materials in the near future.
Pre 65 BCBSM medical, dental and vision plan benefits will remain the same, however; there will be an average 5.6% increase in Pre 65 plan rates for 2023. At this time, the HCTC is still not reauthorized by Congress for 2022 or 20223 and beyond. We still remain optimistic that Congress will extend the HCTC program in future legislation since it is part of the much larger Trade Adjustment Act (TAA) legislation that has also not been addressed all of 2022. When/if the HCTC program is addressed, we still anticipate the program to become permanent (no more reauthorization delays) and at a higher subsidy of 80%. Please continue to reach out to your Congressional representatives to express your need for the HCTC program's continuation. More 2022 Open Enrollment information including Open Enrollment materials will be emailed next week with enrollment brochures to follow in the mail.
As always, if you do not wish to change your 2022 insurance plan selections, you will be automatically enrolled in the same plans for 2023.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
Contact your Representatives!
Contact your Representatives TODAY!
Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program in 2022 and beyond.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
US Senators
ACT NOW! HCTC is being debated today
Delivery Date: 08/06/2022
CALL TO ACTION FOR ALL DSRA BENEFIT TRUST MEMBERS! Congress is holding a Vote-a-rama starting today!
A Vote-a-rama occurs when Congress meets to decide additional items into a bill that has passed one of house of Congress prior to passing the second house of Congress. The HCTC reauthorization is NOT in the current Inflation Reduction Act legislation which is set to pass the House of Representatives TODAY and pass the Senate by this coming Friday. It is important ALL TRUST MEMBERS contact their Senators and Representatives TODAY in both their local and Washington DC offices. Congress must hear from all HCTC participants and Trust members, past, present and future. Your voice matters!
This is the time for you and your family members to contact your Senators and Representatives to ask for their support, it is up to Trust members and other groups who depend on this program to contact Congress about the importance of this program to you and your family to ensure the HCTC extension is included in the final bill. Please contact your elected representatives asking them to finalize a bill reauthorizing the HCTC subsidy by both Houses of Congress.
This request is to all DSRA Benefit Trust members, Pre 65 and Post 65, contact your U.S. Congressional Representatives and ask for the HCTC extension to be included in the Inflation Reduction Act legislation.
Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program in 2022 and beyond.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
US Senators
Invitation to Join Delphi Retirees Chapter of the NRLN
Delivery Date: 07/11/2022
Recently the board of directors of the Delphi Salaried Retirees Association (DSRA) sent an email to its members announcing that the National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) has formed a Delphi Retirees Chapter, independent of DSRA, for all Delphi retirees. The NRLN has 1 million plus members already and, as you know, there is strength in numbers. Based in Washington, D.C., the National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) is the only nationwide organization solely dedicated to representing the interests of retirees and future retirees. Formed in 2002, the NRLN’s endeavors to secure federal legislation to protect retirees’ employer-sponsored pensions and benefits in addition to keeping Social Security and Medicare strong. The NRLN (website) has been generous with its support for DSRA since 2009, and lately in soliciting support for the Susan Muffley Act.
Of particular interest to DSRA Benefit Trust members is the work the NRLN is doing to get HCTC tax credits extended and made permanent. Avaya and Kodak retirees among others are in the same position we are on this. The NRLN currently has a "Take Action" alert for members to contact their representative to get HCTC extended. It works just like the one the DSRA has up for our pension restoration.
NRLN's lobbying efforts also include funding of Social Security and Medicare. The Social Security Trustees annual report issued last month stated that the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund will only be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2034. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and tax income will only be sufficient to pay 77% of the scheduled benefits. The Medicare Trustees reported that the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund (Medicare Part A) will only be able pay scheduled benefits until 2028. At that time, the fund's reserve will become depleted and will only be sufficient to pay 90% of scheduled benefits. Medicare Part B (physician services) is adequately financed from general revenues and beneficiary premiums. The NRLN is actively lobbying in Washington to ensure that these funds remain properly funded.
You can join the Chapter by signing up at https://www.nrln.org/email-sign-up, and selecting Delphi Retirees Chapter - NRLN. You will join over 700 Delphi retirees who were already receiving NRLN's emails and supporting its work in Washington, DC to create a better future for retirees. If you haven't joined yet, we invite you to do so.
The Chapter's webpage is intended to provide information of specific interest to Delphi retirees. We request your comments on what you would like to see on the webpage. Send an email with your ideas to contact@nrln.org. Please provide your input on our thoughts and information for:
(1) A "tombstone" section to post recent retiree deaths.
(2) Set up "plant/divisional" sub-chapters for retirees' comments.
(3) Post plant and divisional pictures to enhance the webpage.
(4) Provide links to retirees' Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
If you would like to be part of the Chapter's leadership team, such as, vice presidents for legislative affairs, membership development, webpage editor or some other role send an email to presdelphichapter@nrln.org.
We believe you will see the value of being a Chapter member. There are no Chapter membership dues. A letter will be sent to invite members to make an annual voluntary contribution of $25 or more. Contributions support the Chapter's and the NRLN's work to lobby for legislation to protect retirees' interests.
We encourage you to regularly visit both the Delphi Chapter's webpage as well as the NRLN website at www.nrln.org. One of the tabs is "Legislative Action Network" where you will find the NRLN's 2022 Legislative Agenda, White Papers, Executive Summaries and Talking Points on our lobbying issues. Take a few minutes to watch or listen to one or more of the video/podcasts.
Together we can make the Delphi Retirees Chapter an asset for our retirement years.
Mike Husar, President
Delphi Retirees Chapter
Bill Kadereit President
National Retiree Legislative Network
Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) HCTC Reauthorization Bill #7832 Introduced
Delivery Date: 05/23/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
Last week U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) introduced a new bill #7832 to reauthorize the HCTC program indefinitely. Please see link HERE for the press release and HERE for the bill.
Congressman Kildee’s bill, the Bob von Schwedler Permanent Health Coverage Tax Credit Expansion Act, would permanently reauthorize the HCTC. The HCTC helps Americans cover the cost of health insurance if they are retired and their pensions have been taken over by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), or if their job was outsourced abroad and they qualify for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). Thousands of Delphi Salaried Retirees qualify for this credit, along with Michigan workers who have lost their jobs due to bad trade deals. Congressman Kildee’s legislation would also increase the benefit to cover 80% of health insurance costs for workers and retirees who claim the credit.
This bill is great news since it offers a permanent reauthorization and increases the subsidy to 80% from 72.5%. In addition, Rep. Kildee is a high-ranking, senior member of the House which should help when looking for additional support from other representatives.
Please take a moment to contact your Congressional representatives to ask for their support for bill #7832 and the HCTC reauthorization.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
US Senators
> Important Information Regarding Met Life Insurance Enrollment
> Retired Members and/or Members receiving PBGC payments NOT Enrolled in Life Insurance have until Aug 31st, 2022 to elect coverage or loose the benefit
Delivery Date: 06/06/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
This email pertains to members who have retired and/or are currently drawing a pension from the PBGC but are not enrolled in the DSRA BT sponsored life insurance plans. The open enrollment window for life insurance for this specific population began June 1 and will run until August 31, 2022. If you or your spouse fit the above description and would like to enroll in the DSRA BT sponsored life insurance product through MetLife, you must act quickly by contacting the DSRA BT Call Center at 888-588-6682.
The Board of the DSRA Benefit Trust and Cone Retiree Healthcare Group have worked diligently to provide life insurance in 2022 and beyond through Met Life. We have been working together the past 3 years to tweak the life insurance benefits the Trust offers to ensure the rates and benefits continue to be affordable for members. Some of the improvements during this time include
1) No rate increase for the plans in 2022
2) 3-year rate guarantee
3) Providing Spouses, the ability to stay in the plan following the death of the retiree
4) Allowing Spouses, the ability to increase their coverage to $50,000 with Evidence of Insurability
5) The ability of the spouse to move to a Whole Life Insurance Plan once they reach the age of 80
In an effort to keep down cost with an aging population, we will also be undergoing some new enrollment and eligibility changes beginning June 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. If you have already enrolled in life insurance through the DSRA BT plan, there are no additional changes to your plans or to your enrollment at this time. The changes announced below will only affect members who have not elected to enroll or are not yet eligible to enroll in the life insurance plan offered through the Trust.
Members who have retired from their last place of employment and/or are currently receiving PBGC benefits and have NOT yet elected to enroll in life insurance through the Trust plan will have 90 days beginning June 1, 2022, to enroll. If eligible members, who are not already enrolled, do not enroll during this enrollment window, they will lose their eligibility to enroll in the future. These changes are necessary in order to continue to hold down cost for the members of the plan in the future.
If you have not retired and/or are not yet receiving PBGC payments, you will have 90 days from the date of your retirement or from the date you start receiving PBGC benefits to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the DSRA BT. If you intend to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the Trust, you will be required to notify Benistar, the plan administrator, and provide proof of retirement or PBGC payment start date when your 90 day window begins. To enroll within the 90 day window, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
With these updates, there will no longer be life insurance enrollment available during the Annual Open Enrollment period unless your 90 day window happens to fall during that time. All future life insurance enrollees who obtain eligibility will have the 90 day enrollment window immediately following their retirement and/or initial PBGC payment. If you have any questions, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
Important Information Regarding Met Life Insurance Enrollment
Delivery Date: 05/05/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
The Board of the DSRA BT
Dear DSRA BT Members,
The Board of the DSRA Benefit Trust and Cone Retiree Healthcare Group have worked diligently to provide life insurance in 2022 and beyond through Met Life. We have been working together the past 3 years to tweak the life insurance benefits the Trust offers to ensure the rates and benefits continue to be affordable for members. Some of the improvements during this time include
1) No rate increase for the plans in 2022
2) 3-year rate guarantee
3) Providing Spouses, the ability to stay in the plan following the death of the retiree
4) Allowing Spouses, the ability to increase their coverage to $50,000 with Evidence of Insurability
5) The ability of the spouse to move to a Whole Life Insurance Plan once they reach the age of 80
In an effort to keep down cost with an aging population, we will also be undergoing some new enrollment and eligibility changes beginning June 1, 2022. If you have already enrolled in life insurance through the DSRA BT plan, there are no additional changes to your plans or to your enrollment at this time. The changes announced below will only affect members who have not elected to enroll or are not yet eligible to enroll in the life insurance plan offered through the Trust.
Members who have retired from their last place of employment and/or are currently receiving PBGC benefits and have NOT yet elected to enroll in life insurance through the Trust plan will have 90 days beginning June 1, 2022, to enroll. If eligible members, who are not already enrolled, do not enroll during this enrollment window, they will lose their eligibility to enroll in the future. These changes are necessary in order to continue to hold down cost for the members of the plan in the future.
If you have not retired and/or are not yet receiving PBGC payments, you will have 90 days from the date of your retirement or from the date you start receiving PBGC benefits to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the DSRA BT. If you intend to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the Trust, you will be required to notify Benistar, the plan administrator, and provide proof of retirement or PBGC payment start date when your 90 day window begins. To enroll within the 90 day window, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
With these updates, there will no longer be enrollment available during the Annual Open Enrollment period unless your 90 day window happens to fall during that time. All future enrollees who obtain eligibility will have the 90 day enrollment window immediately following their retirement and/or initial PBGC payment. If you have any questions, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
DSRA Benefit Trust and Cone Retiree Healthcare Group have worked diligently to provide life insurance in 2022 and beyond through Met Life. We have been working together the past 3 years to tweak the life insurance benefits the Trust offers to ensure the rates and benefits continue to be affordable for members. Some of the improvements during this time include
1) No rate increase for the plans in 2022
2) 3-year rate guarantee
3) Providing Spouses, the ability to stay in the plan following the death of the retiree
4) Allowing Spouses, the ability to increase their coverage to $50,000 with Evidence of Insurability
5) The ability of the spouse to move to a Whole Life Insurance Plan once they reach the age of 80
In an effort to keep down cost with an aging population, we will also be undergoing some new enrollment and eligibility changes beginning June 1, 2022. If you have already enrolled in life insurance through the DSRA BT plan, there are no additional changes to your plans or to your enrollment at this time. The changes announced below will only affect members who have not elected to enroll or are not yet eligible to enroll in the life insurance plan offered through the Trust.
Members who have retired from their last place of employment and/or are currently receiving PBGC benefits and have NOT yet elected to enroll in life insurance through the Trust plan will have 90 days beginning June 1, 2022, to enroll. If eligible members, who are not already enrolled, do not enroll during this enrollment window, they will lose their eligibility to enroll in the future. These changes are necessary in order to continue to hold down cost for the members of the plan in the future.
If you have not retired and/or are not yet receiving PBGC payments, you will have 90 days from the date of your retirement or from the date you start receiving PBGC benefits to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the DSRA BT. If you intend to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the Trust, you will be required to notify Benistar, the plan administrator, and provide proof of retirement or PBGC payment start date when your 90 day window begins. To enroll within the 90 day window, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
With these updates, there will no longer be enrollment available during the Annual Open Enrollment period unless your 90 day window happens to fall during that time. All future enrollees who obtain eligibility will have the 90 day enrollment window immediately following their retirement and/or initial PBGC payment. If you have any questions, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
Important Information Regarding Met Life Insurance Enrollment
Delivery Date: 05/04/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
The Board of the DSRA Benefit Trust and Cone Retiree Healthcare Group have worked diligently to provide life insurance in 2022 and beyond through Met Life. We have been working together the past 3 years to tweak the life insurance benefits the Trust offers to ensure the rates and benefits continue to be affordable for members. Some of the improvements during this time include
1) No rate increase for the plans in 2022
2) A 3-year rate guarantee
3) Providing Spouses, the ability to stay in the plan following the death of the retiree
4) Allowing Spouses, the ability to increase their coverage to $50,000 with Evidence of Insurability
5) The ability of the spouse to move to a Whole Life Insurance Plan once they reach the age of 80
In an effort to keep down cost with an aging population, we will also be undergoing some new enrollment and eligibility changes beginning June 1, 2022.
Members who have retired from their last place of employment and/or are currently receiving PBGC benefits and have NOT yet elected to enroll in life insurance will have 90 days beginning June 1, 2022, to enroll. If eligible members, who are not already enrolled, do not enroll during this enrollment window, they will lose their eligibility to enroll in the future. These changes are necessary in order to continue to hold down cost for the members of the plan in the future.
If you have not retired and/or are not yet receiving PBGC payments, you will have 90 days from the date of your retirement or from the date you start receiving PBGC benefits to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the DSRA BT. To enroll within the 90 day window, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
With these updates, there will no longer be enrollment available during the Annual Open Enrollment period unless your 90 day window happens to fall during that time. All future enrollees who obtain eligibility will have the 90 day enrollment window immediately following their retirement and/or initial PBGC payment. If you have any questions, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
Important Information Regarding Met Life Insurance Enrollment
Delivery Date: 05/03/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
The life insurance plan offered to members through the Trust with Met Life is undergoing some new enrollment changes. Members who have retired from their last place of employment and/or are currently receiving PBGC benefits and have NOT elected to enroll in life insurance will have 90 days beginning June 1, 2022 to enroll. If eligible members, who are not already enrolled, do not enroll during this enrollment window, they will lose their eligibility to enroll in the future.
If you have not retired and/or are not yet receiving PBGC payments, you will have 90 days from the date of your retirement or from the date you start receiving PBGC benefits to enroll in the life insurance plan offered by the DSRA BT. To enroll within the 90 day window, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
With these updates, there will no longer be enrollment available during the Annual Open Enrollment period. All future enrollees will have the 90 day enrollment window immediately following their retirement and/or initial PBGC payment. If you have any questions, please contact the Benistar Call Center at 888-588-6682.
HCTC Reauthorization UPDATE
Delivery Date: 04/08/2022
The reauthorization of the HCTC is still in conference in Congress. The House has included the reauthorization of the HCTC in the America Competes legislation HOWEVER, the Senate did not include the reauthorization in their version. Therefore, the two sides are now in conference deciding on the final resolution. We are hopeful the HCTC will make the final bill that will be signed into law. This may take 2-3 more months.
Please take a moment to contact your Congressional representatives to ask for their support of the HCTC reauthorization.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
US Senators
DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors Update
Delivery Date: 03/21/2022
DSRA Benefit Trust Election Update:
The election committee for the DSRA Benefit Trust is pleased to announce that we have two candidates that have submitted their name for a position on the Board of Directors of DSRA Benefit Trust. Paul Beiter and Greg White who are both current board members.
The DSRA-BT Election Procedure, section 4.8, states the following:
4.8 If, at the end of the nomination process for DSRA BT Board candidates, the number of candidates approved to be eligible to run for the DSRA Board does not exceed the number of open positions available for election, then the DSRA BT Board may declare that an actual election is not required. In this case, all approved candidates will be considered elected Board Members. The current Board will announce the names of the new Board members to the DSRA BT membership immediately.
In accordance with this procedure, the Board is declaring that an election is not required since we have two nominee and two open positions. Therefore, we are announcing that Paul and Greg are considered elected Board Members. Paul and Greg will continue in their roles with the DSRA-BT Board which are both three-year terms.
We appreciate Paul and Greg volunteering for one more term.
The Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Steve Duca
Nomination Process for DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 2022 Election
Delivery Date: 03/08/2022
Request for BoD Candidates:
As previously communicated, the DSRA-BT BoD Election Committee will now accept nominations from those individuals interested in being considered as a candidate in the upcoming BoD election. We will accept nominations until March 18, 2022.
To be considered for one of these important positions, you must submit the required documentation that can be found in the “2022 Election Documentation” folder on the www.DSRABenefitTrust.net website by March 18, 2022. Submit your documents as attachments to an email at this address: sdelebus@gmail.com. Immediately thereafter, the candidates will be announced, the resumes will be posted, and the candidates may use public media to promote their candidacy. If we should have fewer candidates than openings, per our Election Procedure, voting will not be held and all approved, eligible candidates will be appointed to the board without a formal election. Note that only one person per household can serve simultaneously.
Contents of the “2022 Candidate Election Materials” folder:
1) Candidate Instructions
2) Candidate Qualifications Requirements
3) Conflict of Interest Policy with Supplier List
4) Candidate Registration Form – must be submitted per instruction
5) Candidate Resume Form – must be submitted per instruction
Candidates that wish to communicate their operating philosophy, goals, objectives, etc. to the eligible voters may do so by adding that information to their resume.
There will be future communications provided concerning election timing, voter eligibility and instruction.
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Steve Duca
The DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors 2022 Election
Delivery Date: 03/02/2022
Dear Fellow Retiree,
It is once again time to hold elections for our DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors (BoD). We have two board members, Paul Beiter and Greg White, whose terms will expire. Both Paul and Greg have decided to seek reelection.
If you are interested in being a candidate in the upcoming election, we will issue more specific information in a few days on the DSRA BT website. The following are a few “key dates” to be aware of:
March 7, 2022-March 18,2022 – Receive candidate nominations
March 19, 2022 – Official announcement of candidates
March 21 to March 28, 2022 – Polls open for eligible voters
March 30, 2022 – Announce election results
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Steve Duca
Reminder - Congress needs to hear from you TODAY!
Delivery Date: 02/08/2022
CALLING ALL DSRA BENEFIT TRUST MEMBERS! The House of Representatives has passed the following HCTC reauthorization as part of the "America Competes" bill #4521 see HERE :
Sec. 101601. Permanent Credit for Health Insurance Costs.
This section makes the health coverage tax credit permanent, removing the uncertainty of annual extensions, and increases the amount of the qualified health insurance premium covered by the credit from 72.5% to 80%.
This is fantastic news for all HCTC participants and their families however, the Senate has not passed this legislation at this time. If Senators do not include this legislation in their version, members could lose the HCTC subsidy they rely on. This is the time for you and your family members to contact your Senators and Representatives to ask for their support, it is up to DSRA members and other groups who depend on this program to contact Congress about the importance of this program to you and your family if the HCTC extension is going to happen.
Please contact your elected representatives asking them to finalize a bill reauthorizing the HCTC subsidy by both Houses of Congress.
We are asking that ALL DSRA Benefit Trust members, Pre 65 and Post 65, contact your U.S. Congressional Representatives and ask for the HCTC extension to be included in the America Competes legislation.
Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program to ensure members do not have to go without the subsidy in 2022 and beyond.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
US House of Representatives
US Senators
Call or Email Today!
BCBSM Pre65 Medical and Prescription Drug Cards
Delivery Date: 01/13/2022
Dear DSRA BT Member,
The BCBSM enrollment issues some members experienced over the past two weeks have been resolved. All DSRA BT enrollees should now have access to medical services and prescription drugs. All Pre 65 enrollees will be receiving new BCBSM Medical/Prescription Drug Cards for 2022, if you have not already. Please discard any old cards you may have in your possession as the group information on these cards is no longer valid. The new card should contain the BIN# 610011. The new cards should arrive within the next week, if you have not received one prior to now. Please contact the Benistar Call Center (888)588-6682 if you need assistance.
BCBSM Pre65 Prescription Drug Benefits
Delivery Date: 01/10/2022
Blue Cross is working to resolve an issue with our Pre 65 prescription drug benefits.
Dear Trust Member,
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network made Pre 65 prescription drug program changes January 1, 2022. You may have received a letter or email about this last fall. There was a problem with the change for some members of our group, making it appear to pharmacies that we don’t have prescription drug benefits. Blue Cross and BCN staff assure us they are working around the clock to resolve this problem.
They know how critical it is for you to have access to your prescription drug benefits. So, they’ve given us some direction on steps you can take if you need a refill or new medication before this problem is resolved.
If your pharmacy tells you it appears you don’t have prescription drug coverage, please ask the pharmacy staff if they could give you a partial fill of your prescription so you don’t miss doses of your medication. If the pharmacy isn’t able to do that for you and you cannot afford to pay for your prescription medication and file a claim reimbursement with BCBSM, please call the Benistar Call Center at (888)588-6682 and provide your name and contact information so Benistar can relay your information to Blue Cross to ensure you are enrolled promptly.
Blue Cross and BCN expect the benefits problem will be resolved in the coming week. They apologize for the delay and the inconvenience.
DSRA BT Pre 65 Members Enrolled in BCBSM Plans
Delivery Date: 01/6/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
If you are enrolled in Pre 65 BCBSM Medical insurance plans, you will be receiving a new Insurance Card for 2022 with the transition from the DSRA Benefit Trust plans to the Auto VEBA Trust plans. Members who have not received their new BCBSM Insurance Card and have medical services planned or need prescription drugs prior to receiving their card can login to the BCBSM website HERE or at https://member.bcbsm.com/mpa/responsive/#/Login/goto/IdCards and sign in to your account to print a temporary card. If you have not logged in to the BCBSM.com website in the past, you will need to register. Please contact Cone Retiree Healthcare Group if you need help retrieving a temporary BCBSM Insurance Card or assistance with approval prior to a medical service before receiving a card from BCBSM.
Cathy Cone 832-541-8842 cathy@mymedplans.com
John Cone 713-446-3501 john@mymedplans.com
Lisa Andrews 832-723-9488 lisa@mymedplans.com
BCBSM is working diligently to get all cards to DSRA members. We apologize for any inconvenience members may experience.
DSRA Benefit Trust Board
DSRA BT Pre 65 Members Enrolled in BCBSM Plans
Delivery Date: 01/5/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
If you are enrolled in Pre 65 BCBSM Medical insurance plans, you will be receiving a new Insurance Card for 2022 with the transition from the DSRA Benefit Trust plans to the Auto VEBA Trust plans. Members who have not received their new BCBSM Insurance Card and have medical services planned or need prescription drugs prior to receiving their card can login to the BCBSM website HERE or at https://member.bcbsm.com/mpa/responsive/#/Login/goto/IdCards and sign in to your account to print a temporary card. If you have not logged in to the BCBSM.com website in the past, you will need to register. Please contact Cone Retiree Healthcare Group if you need help retrieving a temporary BCBSM Insurance Card or approval prior to a medical service before receiving a card from BCBSM.
Cathy Cone 832-541-8842
John Cone 713-446-3501
Lisa Andrews 832-723-9488
BCBSM is working diligently to get all cards to DSRA members. We apologize for any inconvenience members may experience.
DSRA Benefit Trust Board
DSRA BT Pre 65 Members Enrolled in BCBSM Plans
Delivery Date: 01/5/2022
Dear DSRA BT Members,
If you are enrolled in Pre 65 BCBSM Medical insurance plans, you will be receiving a new Insurance Card for 2022 with the transition from the DSRA Benefit Trust plans to the Auto VEBA Trust plans. Members who have not received their new BCBSM Insurance Card and have medical services planned or need prescription drugs prior to receiving their card can login to the BCBSM website HERE or at https://member.bcbsm.com/mpa/responsive/#/Login/goto/IdCards and sign in to your account to print a temporary card. If you have not logged in to the BCBSM.com website in the past, you will need to register. Please contact Cone Retiree Healthcare Group if you need help retrieving a temporary BCBSM Insurance Card or approval prior to a medical service before receiving a card from BCBSM.
Cathy Cone 832-541-8842
John Cone 713-446-3501
Lisa Andrews 832-723-9488
BCBSM is working diligently to get all cards to DSRA members. We apologize for any inconvenience members may experience.
DSRA Benefit Trust Board
DSRA BT Post 65 Members whether or not you are participating in a sponsored insurance plan may be affected resulting in cancelation of your current Medicare plan election and enrollment into the new BCBSM Medicare Advantage and/or BCBSM Prescription Drug Plan for 2022
Delivery Date: 12/29/2021
Dear DSRA BT Members,
Please check your snail mail! Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBSM) has discovered an error in the rollout of the new BCBSM Medicare Advantage plan and Standalone Prescription Drug program for the DSRA Benefit Trust that has affected some members whether enrolled in DSRA BT sponsored plans or not. All DSRA BT members with AETNA prescription drug coverage in 2021 and remaining in the DSRA BT plans for 2022 will receive a new BCBSM Prescription Drug card for 2022 with the change to the new BCBSM Prescription Drug Plan featuring lower rates and coverage through the coverage gap "donut hole". However, if you have received a BCBSM Prescription Drug card in the mail and are not currently enrolled in the 2021 AETNA Prescription Drug Plan and did not enroll in one of the new BCBSM Medicare Advantage or BCBSM Prescription Drug Plans offered through the DSRA Benefit Trust, please contact Benistar, the plan administrator of the DSRA Benefit Trust insurance programs at 1-888-588-6682 immediately. BCBSM and Benistar are in the process of identifying and contacting members affected by this error and taking the necessary steps to resolve any issues caused by the BCBSM enrollment process for 2022. Those members affected by this issue will be returned to their elected Medicare Advantage and/or Medicare Prescription Drug Plans within 7-10 days.
Since this issue has affected both DSRA BT members who may or may not be enrolled in the sponsored plans, this issue has brought to light that some DSRA retirees who are entitled to take advantage of DSRA Benefit Trust VEBA healthcare insurance plans have apparently dropped off the Benefit Trust's distribution lists — one way to check that is that you should have received an email from the Benefit Trust on 12/28/2021 at around 10:00 PM ET regarding HCTC reauthorization being delayed — if you did not receive that email and would like to receive email notifications regarding your options for DSRA BT sponsored insurance products, please CLICK HERE or visit the www.DSRABenefitTrust.net website and register for the mailing list on the tab at the top of the page or send an email to john@mymedplans.com to be reinstated on the Benefit Trust eblast distribution.
2022 HCTC Reauthorization Delayed
Delivery Date: 12/28/2021
The HCTC program is set to expire December 31, 2021. Pre 65 HCTC program participants will be affected much like the 2020 and 2021 Open Enrollment period without action by Congress to extend the program. Plan participants will be responsible for 100% of the monthly premium, paid directly to Benistar, until Congress acts. As in past years, those participants who retired on or before April 1, 2009 will be eligible for a Trust subsidy. 2022 DSRA Benefit Trust Subsidy amounts are now available. Reference the chart at the bottom of this email or the 2022 Pre 65 Open Enrollment Guide which was mailed to you or available at www.DSRABenefitTrust.net for amounts if you qualify. You must submit a HCTC Eligible Subsidy Request to Benistar to receive the DSRA HCTC Subsidy. Please contact Benistar at (888)588-6682 to request the DSRA HCTC Subsidy.
All HCTC AMP participants will pay 100% of the January BCBSM PPO premium directly to Benistar or risk the cancellation of their BCBSM insurance. Do not mail January premium payments to the IRS/HCTC! You will receive an invoice from Benistar for the premium amount owed. Pre 65 BCBSM premium decreased in 2022. If you have not received an invoice by January 7th, please contact Benistar for your premium payment amount at (888)588-6682 or find the payment amount at www.DSRABenefitTrust.net. HCTC participants will be responsible for 100% of premium payments until Congress acts to reauthorize the HCTC program. Be prepared to pay the 100% premium for several months into 2022, if there is no action by Congress. As in past years, we expect the reauthorization to be retroactive to January 2022 in which case you can request a reimbursement of the HCTC subsidy prior to filing your 2022 Federal Tax Return or you can wait and file for the reimbursement on your 2022 Federal Tax Return.
Currently there are two bills working their way through Congress. Both bills have bipartisan support however, one of the bills calls for a PERMANENT REAUTHORIZATION of the HCTC as well as increasing the subsidy amount from 72.5% to 80% while the other bill calls for a four year extension with the subsidy remaining the same. Either of these scenarios is a win for HCTC participants and we hope the 4 year extension is just a placeholder for a permanent extension in 2022. Please contact your Congressional Representatives and ask for their support for one of these two bills. Your voice truly matters when it comes to those who represent you in Washington.
By mail: Benistar DSRA-BT Client Service Center
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
For any questions regarding the plans offered in 2022 or other Open Enrollment matters, contact Benistar at 1-888-588-6682.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
> 2022 Open Enrollment Materials Available Here
> NEW BCBSM Medicare Advantage Plans
> NEW Lower Rates Pre 65 BCBSM Medical
> New MetLife Life Insurance Replacing Guardian with a Rate Decrease
> NEW BCBSM Prescription Drug Plans for Post 65
> Check the BCBSM Formulary for Your Medications
Delivery Date: 10/26/2021
The DSRA Benefit Trust annual Open Enrollment period is here. It’s time to review your 2022 benefit elections. Open enrollment is your opportunity to change plan options, add family members to the plan, or perhaps enroll in a benefit plan for the first time. ALL DSRA BT members who may have left DSRA BT plans in the past are eligible to return to DSRA BT plans.
If you choose to elect the same Pre 65 Blue Cross Blue Shield plans as 2021, no action is required but be aware there is a rate decrease for 2022. Post 65 Hartford enrollees making no benefit changes will automatically be enrolled in the same Hartford plan as 2021 paired with the new BCBSM Low prescription drug plan and no action is required for 2022. However, if you would like to enroll in a different Hartford plan level or in the BCBSM High prescription drug plan with the same Hartford plan as 2021, you must complete a new enrollment form and submit it to Benistar. If you are currently enrolled in the stand-alone AETNA prescription drug plan you will automatically be re-enrolled in the stand-alone Low BCBSM prescription drug plan. If you would like to enroll in the High BCBSM prescription drug plan, you will need to complete an enrollment form and submit to Benistar. If you were not enrolled in the AETNA stand-alone prescription drug plan in 2021 and would like to enroll in one of the stand-alone BCBSM High or Low prescription drug plans (new for this year), you will need to complete an enrollment form for 2022. New BCBSM Nationwide Medicare Advantage plans will also be available in 2022 to all Post 65 members and Pre 65 Medicare Disabled members.. If you are enrolled in the BCBSM Dental +/- Vision plans in 2021 and do not want to make a change in 2022, no action is required. Please review the BCBSM Dental and Vision plans and rates available in both the Pre 65 and Post 65 Enrollment Guides.
Changes for 2022:
There are two Enrollment Forms for DSRA Benefit Trust members, one for Pre 65 and one for Post 65. The Post 65 form has been recently updated to include the BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans and BCBSM PDP plans as well as changes to allow Retiree and Spouse to enroll in plans on the same form, Pre 65 Enrollment Form and Post 65 Enrollment Form.
Pre 65
2022 Pre 65 Open Enrollment Cover Letter
2022 Pre 65 Open Enrollment Guide
2022 Pre 65 Subsidy and Premium Rates
2022 Pre 65 Enrollment Form
1) The HCTC program is set to expire December 31, 2021. Pre 65 HCTC program participants will be affected much like the 2021 Open Enrollment period without action by Congress to extend the program. Plan participants will be responsible for 100% of the monthly premium, paid directly to Benistar, until Congress acts. As in past years, those participants who retired on or before April 1, 2009 will be eligible for a Trust subsidy. 2022 DSRA Benefit Trust Subsidy amounts are now available. Reference the Pre 65 Open Enrollment Guide for amounts if you qualify.
2) The Pre 65 BCBSM Medical rates will decrease in 2022 due to the Board's decision to merge the DSRA BT plan into the Auto VEBA Trust plan. This decision allowed DSRA BT plan participants to pay lower rates in 2022 and avoid a 15+% rate increase in 2022. The Auto VEBA plans provide some better benefits to members such as the Gold plan by offering a lower out-of-network annual out of pocket while the Silver plan offers a lower annual in-network and out-of-network annual out of pocket. The Copper does have a higher in-network annual out of pocket but the same out-of-network annual out of pocket.
3) The life insurance carrier for the DSRA BT will change from the Guardian to MetLife in 2022. Members will also see a decrease in the life insurance rates and will benefit from a 3 year rate guarantee. In addition, spouses can remain participants of the life insurance plans after the death of the retiree. Spouses can also increase their coverage amounts from $30,000 up to $50,000 with a physical in 2022. If you participate in the MetLife life insurance products that were offered to you directly from Delphi and you pay MetLife directly, we have also secured a 3 year rate guarantee for those plans.
4) Stand-alone Dental and Vision plans and rates can be found in the Pre 65 Open Enrollment Guide.
Post 65
2022 Post 65 Open Enrollment Cover Letter
2022 Post 65 Health Matters Guide
2022 BCBSM Formulary
2022 Post 65 Enrollment Form
1) The new BCBSM Nationwide Medicare Advantage plans are available to all DSRA BT Medicare eligible members. These plans were designed to provide an alternative to Supplemental plans while offering more benefits due to being Medicare Advantage. The BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans are a nationwide PPO allowing you to use any doctor that accepts Medicare with no network. There are also no age bands and no zip code pricing as well as no restrictions on pre-existing conditions. The Medicare Advantage plans include the BCBSM drug plan with NO COVERAGE GAP "DONUT HOLE" and a far reaching formulary and also includes the Silver Sneaker Fitness program. The BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans do not include dental and vision coverage but you will still have access to the wonderful BCBSM dental and vision plans through the trust just as in years past. Visit www.dsrabenefittrust.net or view the 2022 Health Matters Guide HERE.
2) The Hartford Supplemental plans will still be available to DSRA BT members. There will be no rate increase for 2022 unless you are moving up from one age band to another.
3) The 2022 BCBSM prescription drug plan is now offered by the DSRA Benefit Trust replacing Aetna. There are two levels of prescription drug plans available to members, High and Low. Both High and Low plans use the same formulary and have NO COVERAGE GAP "DONUT HOLE" however the copays are different. These plans also offer 2x copay for 90 day supplies of Tiers 1 - 4 drugs. All 2021 standalone AETNA PDP participants will be automatically enrolled in the Low BCBSM PDP for 2022 unless you submit an enrollment form to Benistar changing this election for 2022. If you would like to enroll in the High BCBSM PDP plan, please complete the enrollment form and submit to Benistar. Take a moment and look through the BCBSM Formulary HERE to ensure your prescriptions are available and check your prescription drug tier designations and review Preferred pharmacy locations before Jan1st.
4) The life insurance carrier for the DSRA BT will change from the Guardian to MetLife in 2022. Members will also see a decrease in the life insurance rates and will benefit from a 3 year rate guarantee. In addition, spouses can remain participants of the life insurance plans after the death of the retiree. Spouses can also increase their coverage amounts from $30,000 up to $50,000 with a physical in 2022. If you participate in the MetLife life insurance products that were offered to you directly from Delphi and you pay MetLife directly, we have also secured a 3 year rate guarantee for those plans.
5) Stand-alone Dental and Vision plans and rates can be found in the Post 65 Open Enrollment Guide.
Mailed Open Enrollment materials will be sent in November however, ALL 2022 Open Enrollment materials are available in this email or on the www.dsrabenefittrust.net website. Do not delay your 2022 Open Enrollment elections.
The 2022 open enrollment period is as follows:
October 25th – December 15th
October 25th – December 7th
(medical and dental & vision – the deadline aligns with the official Medicare open enrollment period)
Please pay close attention to where to send your enrollment forms for 2022 open enrollment or updating – all forms will go to:
By mail: Benistar DSRA-BT Client Service Center
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
By fax: (860)408-7025
By email: memelig@benistar.com
For any questions regarding the plans offered in 2022 or other Open Enrollment matters, contact Benistar at 1-888-588-6682.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
BCBSM Medicare Advantage Road Show
Delivery Date: 10/20/2021
Dear DSRA Benefit Trust Members,
Postcards were mailed last week and should be received by members this week, introducing the New BCBSM Medicare Advantage plans and New BCBSM Prescription Drug plans available to members in 2022. These plans have been designed to offer greater benefits to our members while providing a considerable cost savings. Please join us for the in-person Roadshow at one of the dates, times and locations below.
If you are unable to attend the in-person meetings, there will be two Virtual Meeting/Conference Calls each day the week of October 11th with the following days and times:
Monday, October 11th- 10:00am EST and 2:00pm EST Tuesday, October 12th- 10:00am EST and 6:00pm EST Wednesday, October 13th- 10:00am EST and 2:00pm EST Thursday, October 14th- 10:00am EST and 6:00pm EST Friday, October 15th- 10:00am EST and 2:00pm EST

BCBSM Settlement Information and Enrollment
Delivery Date: 05/12/2021
Some of you may have received a notification regarding a Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement, this is a legitimate correspondence regarding an actual settlement affecting ALL BCBSM participants between February 2008 - October 2020. Participation in the settlement is voluntary. Whether you choose to participate in the settlement or not, your coverage and your participation in the DSRA Benefit Trust BCBSM plans will NOT be affected. There are no repercussions to your health insurance coverage based on your decision to participate in the settlement.
What is this lawsuit about?
• Plaintiffs allege that THE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD PLANS violated antitrust laws by entering into an agreement where the BLUE PLANS agreed not to compete with each other in selling health insurance and administration of Commercial Health Benefit Products in the United States and Puerto Rico.
• THE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD PLANS deny all allegations of wrongdoing. They assert that their conduct IS APPROPRIATE, LAWFUL AND results in lower healthcare costs and greater access to care for their customers.
• The Court has not decided who is right or wrong, NOR WILL IT BE. Instead, Plaintiffs and THE BLUE PLANS have agreed to a Settlement to avoid the risk and cost of further litigation.
We are advising that all members who choose to file a claim do so using the ONLINE FORM found HERE https://www.bcbssettlement.com/ . The online form is a quick 5 steps and only requires a limited amount of information to be submitted. Please use the step by step guide found HERE <https://files.constantcontact.com/2c6b6d10101/9c36c115-1cb3-416d-acb2-ee13eeb7f7fc.pdf> to complete the online form. If you need additional help to complete the claim, please use the information below to contact the BCBS Settlement Call Center.
Any and all questions regarding this case should be directed to:
* Website: https://www.bcbssettlement.com/
* Email: info@BCBSsettlement.com <mailto:info@BCBSsettlement.com>
* Phone: (888) 681-1142
* Address:
Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91390
Seattle, WA 98111
Refer to FAQs 13-16 on how to file a claim: https://www.bcbssettlement.com/faq
Claims must be postmarked by November 5, 2021.
DSRA BT Election Update
Delivery Date: 03/22/2021
DSRA Benefit Trust Election Update:
The election committee for the DSRA Benefit Trust is pleased to announce that we have one candidate that has submitted their name for a position on the Board of Directors of DSRA Benefit Trust. Lori Ostrander who is a current board member.
The DSRA-BT Election Procedure, section 4.8, states the following:
4.8 If, at the end of the nomination process for DSRA BT Board candidates, the number of candidates approved to be eligible to run for the DSRA Board does not exceed the number of open positions available for election, then the DSRA BT Board may declare that an actual election is not required. In this case, all approved candidates will be considered elected Board Members. The current Board will announce the names of the new Board members to the DSRA BT membership immediately.
In accordance with this procedure, the Board is declaring that an election is not required since we have one nominee and one open positions. Therefore, we are announcing that Lori is considered an elected Board Member. Lori will continue in her role as DSRA-BT Board Treasurer which is a three-year term.
We appreciate Lori volunteering for one more term.
The Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Greg White
DSRA BT Request for BoD Candidates
Delivery Date: 03/10/2021
Request for BoD Candidates:
As previously communicated, the DSRA-BT BoD Election Committee will now accept nominations from those individuals interested in being considered as a candidate in the upcoming BoD election. We will accept nominations until March 19, 2021.
To be considered for one of these important positions, you must submit the required documentation that can be found in the “2021 Election Documentation” folder website by March 19, 2021. Submit your documents as attachments to an email at this address: sdelebus@gmail.com. <mailto:sdelebus@gmail.com> Immediately thereafter, the candidates will be announced, the resumes will be posted, and the candidates may use public media to promote their candidacy. If we should have fewer candidates than openings, per our Election Procedure, voting will not be held and all approved, eligible candidates will be appointed to the board without a formal election. Note that only one person per household can serve simultaneously.
Contents of the “2021 Candidate Election Materials” folder:
1) Candidate Instructions
2) Candidate Qualifications Requirements
3) Conflict of Interest Policy with Supplier List
4) Candidate Registration Form – must be submitted per instruction
5) Candidate Resume Form – must be submitted per instruction
Candidates that wish to communicate their operating philosophy, goals, objectives, etc. to the eligible voters may do so by adding that information to their resume.
There will be future communications provided concerning election timing, voter eligibility and instruction.
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Greg White
DSRA BT BoD Election
Delivery Date: 03/09/2021
Dear Fellow Retiree,
It is once again time to hold elections for our DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors (BoD). We have one board member, Lori Ostrander, whose term will expire. Lori has decided to seek reelection.
If you are interested in being a candidate in the upcoming election, we will issue more specific information in a few days. The following are a few “key dates” to be aware of:
March 9, 2021-March 19,2021 – Receive candidate nominations March 20, 2021 – Official announcement of candidates March 20 to March 28, 2021 – Polls open for eligible voters March 30, 2021 – Announce election results
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Sharon Delezenne
Greg White
Pre 65 and Post 65 GoodRX Conference Call 02/16/21
Contact Your Congressional Reps and Push for HCTC Reauthorization
USPS Slow Delivery may Affect On-time Premium Payments
Delivery Date: 02/09/2021
Join Cone Retiree Healthcare Group for an informational conference call focusing on GoodRX and how it can work for you. The call will take place Tuesday, February 16, 2001 at 11:00am EST.
Conference Call Number: 1-712-775-8976
Password: 270433
Pre 65 and Post 65 DSRA Benefit Trust members may have the ability to pay less for some prescription drugs through the free service of GoodRX. GoodRX is a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) serving over 17 million Americans monthly by providing coupons for most drugs and may help DSRA BT members to save money on prescriptions equaling more savings than using the AETNA High or Low prescription drug plan or the BCBSM drug plan. GoodRX is a free service that allows anyone to search for the best drug prices according to your zip code and then print or download coupons that can be used at pharmacies in your area to save on drug costs. For DSRA BT members who reach the Coverage Gap "Donut Hole", using GoodRX coupons instead of your AETNA drug plan or BCBSM plan can keep you from entering the coverage gap in turn saving you a significant amount of money each year. Go to the www.GoodRX.com website for more information or CLICK HERE for the GoodRX FAQs.
The Health Coverage Tax Credit has been reauthorized for ONE YEAR. Now is the time to press your Congressional Representatives to extend the HCTC for 5 years or to include it permanently in the US Tax Code as it was before. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) has been a steady supporter of the HCTC. The Senator has recently announced his retirement from politics which will end with his current term in office. We ask DSRA Benefit Trust members residing in Ohio to reach out to Senator Portman to thank him for his years of support and to ask that he helps with a longer extension to the HCTC before he leaves office. Please take the time TODAY to email and/or call your Congressmen about the extension of this important program to ensure members do not have to go without the subsidy again in 2022.
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
The USPS continues to be affected by COVID resulting in slower mail delivery times. These extended delivery times may have an impact on your monthly premium payment resulting in insurance coverage cancellation, if your premium payment is not received by the deadline. To ensure your premium is received on time each month, we recommend members mail their premiums earlier than normal or enroll in the ACH program with Benistar. Contact the DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center for ACH information and enrollment 1.888.588.6682
Important Information for HCTC and AETNA Prescription Drug Plan Participants
Delivery Date: 02/01/2021
Important Information for HCTC and AETNA Prescription Drug Plan Participants <http://r20.rs6.net/on.jsp?ca=4db10f0f-d61c-43fd-b989-93abcc876c85&a=1103837443778&c=d239b062-55b4-11e9-a896-d4ae528440e0&ch=d23bf494-55b4-11e9-a896-d4ae528440e0>
Email Update 02/01/2021
> HCTC AMP February Payment Update
> GoodRX and AETNA Prescription Drug Plan
DSRA Benefit Trust members re-enrolling in the HCTC AMP program for February and who emailed or faxed their 13441-A form to Benistar by January 22nd will receive a re-enrollment letter from the IRS. If you have not received the IRS re-enrollment letter, please call the DSRA BT Call Center (888)588-6682 to verify your re-enrollment before mailing your 27.5% February premium payment. HCTC AMP participants who do not receive a IRS re-enrollment letter or are not confirmed by the DSRA BT Call Center to be re-enrolled must pay 100% of their February monthly premium to Benistar. All February premium payments are due on or before February 10th. If you are not re-enrolled for February but have submitted your new 13441-A form, you will be re-enrolled for March. Remember to include your HCTC Payment Voucher <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012gTUK9Cjr_xWt3k3dHADVs3Tlnt8OUmI4oW2zntaWB4dPZFkKlZ0DbLJJeR270JNT-nAc_jMueV9U_OM8HvSgasbr7D9K7I4F9IhTTQww0HAYlc1tEWRJtKg6y-I-S2PSf0CR7DMxyxMWEko6Kh4HcFwQgFeaV73GbMB9g1zZeg=&c=irP-Kg_itKtNjP1WFqe_uzuaQ82E9yT_1VkhLj6JOp6hBPxf4feMEA==&ch=9-6ABHB7-ToFc_ZkX0cE8rKsyTefWMUurjuCWccBYZfIFYJqIqVg1Q==> when sending your 27.5% payment to the IRS.
AETNA is the 2021 DSRA BT prescription drug plan provider. However, in some cases, members may have the ability to pay less for prescription drugs through GoodRX. GoodRX is a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) serving over 17 million Americans monthly by providing coupons for most drugs and may help DSRA BT members to save money on prescriptions equaling more than just using the AETNA High or Low prescription drug plan. GoodRX is a free service that allows anyone to search for the best drug prices according to your zip code and then print or download coupons that can be used at pharmacies in your area to save on drug costs. For DSRA BT members who reach the Coverage Gap "Donut Hole", using GoodRX coupons instead of your AETNA drug plan card can keep you from entering the coverage gap in turn saving you a significant amount of money each year. Go to the www.GoodRX.com <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012gTUK9Cjr_xWt3k3dHADVs3Tlnt8OUmI4oW2zntaWB4dPZFkKlZ0DTg8fgmmAHzakbMjMmDsVeNJcQlte7HgzVLzhxK2IDsX6uk2FzeLaV5OW3BKo9McEp25ryLO3LQma9PkpXhJ0mg=&c=irP-Kg_itKtNjP1WFqe_uzuaQ82E9yT_1VkhLj6JOp6hBPxf4feMEA==&ch=9-6ABHB7-ToFc_ZkX0cE8rKsyTefWMUurjuCWccBYZfIFYJqIqVg1Q==> website for more information or CLICK HERE <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012gTUK9Cjr_xWt3k3dHADVs3Tlnt8OUmI4oW2zntaWB4dPZFkKlZ0DTg8fgmmAHzaI1WLaKF1_KI3vn_Q_ENKJL4TzJqtSPkM0k2s34kVxyMx32QXnfhqbHjvb4759k4z4Jn-7yQz5K7XSlMwEa-X4wt-onYdg-IZ&c=irP-Kg_itKtNjP1WFqe_uzuaQ82E9yT_1VkhLj6JOp6hBPxf4feMEA==&ch=9-6ABHB7-ToFc_ZkX0cE8rKsyTefWMUurjuCWccBYZfIFYJqIqVg1Q==> for the GoodRX FAQs. Converting the prescription drug plan to AETNA High and Low plans in 2021 will allow our members to save over $300,000 in combined premiums this year since 85+% of DSRA BT members were paying for a higher plan than needed.
DSRA Benefit Trust Board | www.DSRABenefitTrust.net <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012gTUK9Cjr_xWt3k3dHADVs3Tlnt8OUmI4oW2zntaWB4dPZFkKlZ0DVVoRMUKLYEy2W-r0VHUetqnVuWqE6BalpwLPXlI-erxP-RS9e-J2qEAK98rqr4N7y2W-AN8yVqTNahEekyQnhaz5zRpZMm7RQ7n0uTNsIOs&c=irP-Kg_itKtNjP1WFqe_uzuaQ82E9yT_1VkhLj6JOp6hBPxf4feMEA==&ch=9-6ABHB7-ToFc_ZkX0cE8rKsyTefWMUurjuCWccBYZfIFYJqIqVg1Q==>
HCTC 13441-A Forms and Special Open Enrollment Information
Delivery Date: 02/01/2021
HCTC 13441-A Forms and Special Open Enrollment Information!
Email Update 02/01/2021
> HCTC AMP February Payment Update
> GoodRX and AETNA Prescription Drug Plan
DSRA Benefit Trust members re-enrolling in the HCTC AMP program for February and who emailed or faxed their 13441-A form to Benistar by January 22nd will receive a re-enrollment letter from the IRS. If you have not received the IRS re-enrollment letter, please call the DSRA BT Call Center (888)588-6682 to verify your re-enrollment before mailing your 27.5% February premium payment. HCTC AMP participants who do not receive a IRS re-enrollment letter or are not confirmed by the DSRA BT Call Center to be re-enrolled must pay 100% of their February monthly premium to Benistar. All February premium payments are due on or before February 10th. If you are not re-enrolled for February but have submitted your new 13441-A form, you will be re-enrolled for March. Remember to include your HCTC Payment Voucher <https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13973.pdf> when sending your 27.5% payment to the IRS.
AETNA is the 2021 DSRA BT prescription drug plan provider. However, in some cases, members may have the ability to pay less for prescription drugs through GoodRX. GoodRX is a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) serving over 17 million Americans monthly by providing coupons for most drugs and may help DSRA BT members to save money on prescriptions equaling more than just using the AETNA High or Low prescription drug plan. GoodRX is a free service that allows anyone to search for the best drug prices according to your zip code and then print or download coupons that can be used at pharmacies in your area to save on drug costs. Go to the www.GoodRX.com <http://www.goodrx.com> website for more information or CLICK HERE <https://support.goodrx.com/hc/en-us> for the GoodRX FAQs. Converting the prescription drug plan to AETNA High and Low plans in 2021 will allow our members to save over $300,000 in combined premiums this year since 85+% of DSRA BT members were paying for a higher plan than needed.
DSRA Benefit Trust Board | www.DSRABenefitTrust.net <http://www.dsrabenefittrust.net> <https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/letters/images/sys/S.gif>
HCTC 13441-A Forms and Special Open Enrollment Information
Delivery Date: 01/19/2021
HCTC 13441-A Forms and Special Open Enrollment Information!
Email Update 01/19/2021
> Members Should Mail ALL HCTC 13441-A Forms to Benistar HCTC Special
> Open Enrollment Period Available Until 01/22/21
DSRA Benefit Trust members enrolled in the HCTC AMP program should mail ALL 13441-A re-enrollment forms directly to Benistar. HCTC AMP participants were mailed a letter from the IRS announcing the extension of the HCTC program. In this letter, participants are asked to mail their 13441-A re-enrollment forms directly to the IRS, DO NOT SEND 13441-A FORMS TO THE IRS, ALL 13441-A FORMS SHOULD BE SENT TO BENISTAR. As a reminder, all HCTC AMP participants must re-enroll for the HCTC AMP program by completing a new 13441-A form HERE <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001D7hjr07dgOoLTwUsDjidCVBITvYLqC-ISYjFMPg239tUkaxcDXcXti36HwnnPKUuvcnzChEXaUNYPplVgbWywXh0VueEncNbKUgNMshZ1ycipgY7z9L6Cpyl6_xgR4uIf4QFmC1QB5t0FbMWQiQJIp5LakwGdSdQ937VO0tPn7Q2c-Ii6ETNpaKqAmRBGyVRe7926tGMeFnI-8hB8FVpmOgxDdLijD8AMc8L4hxGjwU=&c=RF7ycTHKKFsUX_E8QuY9zEnVOUqPMFmyD9h8VcD7gsnOz80hPdrJzQ==&ch=o4P0PeqS5KhM9aHlbdhKtr4_l7sOAMN3ssO9J4m36UQG70g1Hh15qQ==> . Forms received by Benistar by January 22, 2021 will be processed for a February 1, 2021 start date of the HCTC AMP 27.5% payment. Any 13441-A forms received after January 22, 2021 will have a HCTC AMP 27.5% start on March 1, 2021 and will require participants to pay 100% of the BCBSM monthly premium to Benistar for the month of January and February. Please call the DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center at (888)588-6682 with any questions.
You must send your 13441-A form to Benistar.
By fax: 1-860-409-9010
By email: memelig@benistar.com <mailto:memelig@benistar.com>
*HCTC AMP Payment Coupons
With the recent extension of the HCTC program, Benistar will be sending pre-filled "HCTC AMP Payment Coupons" IRS form #13973, to each HCTC AMP participant. These payment coupons must be included with the monthly premium payment to the IRS for each participant. If you have not received the pre-filled payment coupons in time to make your February or March premium payment to the IRS, due by February 10th or March 10th, you should have them in time to make your April premium payment. For HCTC AMP participants who have not received the pre-filled payment coupons, please print form #13973 from HERE <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001D7hjr07dgOoLTwUsDjidCVBITvYLqC-ISYjFMPg239tUkaxcDXcXti36HwnnPKUuoSudUcM8lG4pxC3iOF1VOAQVF3hJ-MXegqQC8eTafbIbpiYrvOzfp9lARhzV-JwJpHOxhS8UhaIaUke4Be0YgV0lwZ-dF5o1uew3y5CDhjDyhnMsNGRhz6GBxWwm-tWCYZaNV8PvMHNVM52muQQP0CAhi2AM3y2RBDYqVFp0c6o=&c=RF7ycTHKKFsUX_E8QuY9zEnVOUqPMFmyD9h8VcD7gsnOz80hPdrJzQ==&ch=o4P0PeqS5KhM9aHlbdhKtr4_l7sOAMN3ssO9J4m36UQG70g1Hh15qQ==> and complete the payment coupon to include with your HCTC AMP premium payment. HCTC AMP participants who have been re-enrolled and have received the HCTC Welcome letter must make their February or March premium payment by the 10th of that month directly to the IRS.
*The IRS/HCTC will accept the "HCTC Reimbursement Request" form #14095, available HERE <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001D7hjr07dgOoLTwUsDjidCVBITvYLqC-ISYjFMPg239tUkaxcDXcXti36HwnnPKUuNXgdVOWXzGNqcDJICGLYoCzn-UFwK9Z04lj9-I0eDYf7pgauZCMrSumzWtKLpAMWKJrYcLBGfYA6IsxRaCxFr_aY_95QkFksxwPkeCSSRSwG1mw8DFQ5JxHogXJpCUTuCkP05puji0v_K8H9RwhCA9Fo8IoVLdTILPHYZnOQY_8=&c=RF7ycTHKKFsUX_E8QuY9zEnVOUqPMFmyD9h8VcD7gsnOz80hPdrJzQ==&ch=o4P0PeqS5KhM9aHlbdhKtr4_l7sOAMN3ssO9J4m36UQG70g1Hh15qQ==> , for any months in 2021 you pay 100% of the monthly premium. This form is in lieu of IRS form #8885 filed with your 2021 Federal Tax Return. By using form #14095, you will receive the 72.5% reimbursement for the months you have paid 100% faster than waiting to file form #8885 with your 2021 Federal Tax Return. To file form #14095:
1) You must be re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP program
2) You must have paid the 27.5% monthly premium for at least one month (e.g. if you are enrolled for February, you can submit form #14095 in March for the 72.5% premium reimbursement of your January 2021 100% premium payment).
3) All #14095 forms should be sent to Benistar, not to the IRS/HCTC. Please do not send your #14095 form request in prior to the completion of your first month of paying 27.5% of the cost in order to allow the IRS/HCTC program to process your application in a timely manner.
4) If you have made at least one 100% monthly payment and one 27.5% monthly payment in 2021, you may submit form #14095 for reimbursement. If you make a 100% payment but do not make any 27.5% monthly payments in 2021, you must wait to file form #8885 with your 2021 Federal Tax return next year.
The Special Open Enrollment period for DSRA Benefit Trust members participating in the HCTC program will end on January 22, 2021. Any changes to your 2021 BCBSM insurance elections must be made by January 22, 2021. Please call the DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center at (888)588-6682 with any questions.
DSRA Benefit Trust Board | www.DSRABenefitTrust.net <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001D7hjr07dgOoLTwUsDjidCVBITvYLqC-ISYjFMPg239tUkaxcDXcXtiIkV-8zeQHG8UQQP2zGn3HI5CJdKUmKVKk7Oi31HbL_nJP3qgwDUwlwczFxZHsB7N6wWQX30f6EOyatv6fTO4fQaNpUq86r5y7yX1ycDy9p&c=RF7ycTHKKFsUX_E8QuY9zEnVOUqPMFmyD9h8VcD7gsnOz80hPdrJzQ==&ch=o4P0PeqS5KhM9aHlbdhKtr4_l7sOAMN3ssO9J4m36UQG70g1Hh15qQ==>
HCTC Special Open Enrollment Period 01/06/21 - 01/22/21
Electronic Funds Transfers Established in 2020 Still in Effect for 2021
Delivery Date: 01/04/2021
DSRA Benefit Trust auto payments established by members in 2020 with Benistar through Electronic Funds Transfers(EFT) will remain in effect for 2021 payments. Benistar will update member's withdrawal amounts to equal any 2021 premium and plan election changes. Members will receive an invoice in January reflecting the 2021 changes. No action is required on the member's part if you would like to continue to auto pay using the Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT). If you were not enrolled in the EFT auto pay program in 2020 and would like to enroll for 2021, please call the DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center at (888)588-6682.
GREAT NEWS! The Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) program has been reauthorized for 2021 and the HCTC AMP program will begin providing the MONTHY 72.5% subsidy to eligible participants that have returned the newly released and updated 13441-A form to Benistar either by fax (860)409-9010 or email memelig@benistar.com. The monthly program begins again on February 1, 2021, following a brief termination. The recent reauthorization of the program by Congress is for 1 year and now set to expire December 31, 2021. As the AMP program begins, the IRS/HCTC has informed us they will be requiring ALL HCTC AMP participants to complete a new 13441-A form. CLICK HERE for the recently updated version of the 13441-A form. This is a mandatory action each individual and each family must take, in order to participate in the AMP program for 2021.
* If you fail to complete and return a new 13441-A form to Benistar, you will not be eligible to participate in the AMP program.
* The Special Open Enrollment Period will run 01/06/21 - 01/22/21. If you intend on making a change, during this Special Open Enrollment period, to your 2021 BCBSM plan level or if you terminated your BCBSM insurance at the end of 2020 and would like to re-enroll, please complete the Pre-65 DSRA Benefit Trust BCBSM Enrollment form and check “HCTC Enrollment or Change” box. If you do not wish to make any plan changes for 2021 during this Special Open Enrollment Period, you do not need to complete the Pre-65 DSRA Benefit Trust Enrollment form but you do need to complete the newly issued 13441-A form.
* The IRS/HCTC will not accept 13441-A forms directly from DSRA Benefit Trust members, you must send the completed newly released 13441-A form to Benistar. Benistar will review the forms for errors and will work with you to correct any information if necessary. Benistar will forward your form to the IRS/HCTC on your behalf along with your updated insurance information.
* Once the IRS/HCTC AMP program receives and approves your enrollment/re-enrollment into the AMP program, they will send you a re-enrollment letter, welcoming you back into the program. You will then be able to make your 27.5% monthly premium payment directly to the IRS. You must include the voucher with your check when sending in your premium payment. IRS/HCTC PIN numbers will remain the same for participants enrolled in previous years.
* To ensure you receive the HCTC AMP for February, Benistar should receive your 13441-A form by January 15th. After January 15th, the IRS may not have time to process your form in time for a February AMP start which means you will begin making 27.5% payments in March. You can also elect for a March 1st AMP start date if you wish. It is recommended that you fax or email your forms to Benistar. The updated 13441-A sample forms as well as the newly released 13441-A form are available at www.DSRABenefitTrust.net. If you have any questions, please call the Benistar DSRA Call Center at (888)588-6682.
Please remember, you must send your 13441-A form to Benistar.
By fax: 1-860-409-9010 By email: memelig@benistar.com
*HCTC AMP Payment Coupons
With the recent extension of the HCTC program, Benistar will be sending pre-filled "HCTC AMP Payment Coupons" IRS form #13973, to each HCTC AMP participant. These payment coupons must be included with the monthly premium payment to the IRS for each participant. If you have not received the pre-filled payment coupons in time to make your February or March premium payment to the IRS, due by February 10th and March 10th, you should have them in time to make your April premium payment. For HCTC AMP participants who have not received the pre-filled payment coupons and have not made your March premium payment, please print form #13973 from HERE and complete the payment coupon to include with your HCTC AMP premium payment. HCTC AMP participants who have been re-enrolled and have received the HCTC Welcome letter must make their March premium payment by March 10th.
*The IRS/HCTC will accept the "HCTC Reimbursement Request" form #14095, available HERE, for any months in 2021 you pay 100% of the monthly premium. This form is in lieu of IRS form #8885 filed with your 2021 Federal Tax Return. By using form #14095, you will receive the 72.5% reimbursement for the months you have paid 100% faster than waiting to file form #8885 with your 2021 Federal Tax Return. To file form #14095:
1) You must be re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP program
2) You must have paid the 27.5% monthly premium for at least one month (e.g. if you are enrolled for February, you can
submit form #14095 in March for the 72.5% premium reimbursement of your January 2021 100% premium payment).
3) All #14095 forms should be sent to Benistar, not to the IRS/HCTC. Please do not send your #14095 form request in prior
to the completion of your first month of paying 27.5% of the cost in order to allow the IRS/HCTC program to process
your application in a timely manner.
HCTC Reauthorized for 2021!
Special Open Enrollment Period to be Announced in 2021
Delivery Date: 12/22/2020
The Health Coverage Tax Credit program (HCTC) was extended through 2021 with the COVID relief Bill passed by Congress last night. The Bill is now being sent to President Trump for his signature. Although the HCTC is now extended for another year, the IRS/HCTC department shutdown deadline has passed. Therefore, it will be1-2 months before the IRS/HCTC offices get back up and running, much like in 2020.
If you have elected to remain in the Blue Cross Blue Shield qualified plans available through the DSRA Benefit Trust in 2021, you must pay 100% of the monthly premium until the IRS/HCTC department is reopened. It is important to remember, DSRA Benefit Trust Members must terminate coverage with Benistar by December 31,2020 if they wish to exit the BCBSM plans in 2021. Members who do not terminate their coverage with BCBSM through Benistar in writing but instead stop paying monthly premiums will not be allowed back in BCBSM plans in the future. HCTC participants will have the opportunity to file form #14095 "Health Coverage Tax Credit Reimbursement Request" for a refund of the 72.5% HCTC subsidy when IRS/HCTC offices reopen. Members who terminated their coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield for 2021 will not be eligible for the HCTC subsidy reimbursement with Marketplace or non-qualified plans.
The Trust will pay the Special Subsidy for those who qualify. i.e. Retired on or before April 1, 2009 and have submitted a request for the subsidy to Benistar. This will only be for the 1-2 months that you have to pay full premiums if you qualify for the HCTC.
Once the IRS/HCTC department is operating again in 2021, there will be a Special Open Enrollment period available to DSRA Benefit Trust members who would like to make changes to their 2021 coverage, re-enroll in the plans or enroll for the first time. If you have terminated your DSRA Benefit Trust qualified BCBSM plan for 2021, you can re-enroll during the Special Open Enrollment period. Please look for future emails announcing the Special Open Enrollment period.
We will continue to push Congress for a longer extension or permanent status of the HCTC program during 2021. Your emails and phone calls to Congressmen asking for reauthorization of this important program have once again made a big difference. We ask you to remain engaged and continue to help us to press Congress for a longer solution to the HCTC program. When contacting your Congressperson, express to them the importance of this program to your family and friends and ask for the program to be extended permanently to keep from having to go through the reauthorization push each year.
To contact your Senators: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
To contact your Representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives
2021 Open Enrollment Materials Available
What's New in 2021
Check the AETNA Formulary for your medications
Delivery Date: 11/02/2020
The DSRA Benefit Trust annual Open Enrollment period is here. It’s time to review your 2021 benefit elections. Open enrollment is your opportunity to change plan options, add family members to the plan, or perhaps enroll in a benefit plan for the first time. If you choose to elect the same Pre 65 Blue Cross Blue Shield plans as 2020, no action is required. Post 65 Hartford enrollees will automatically be enrolled in the same Hartford plan as 2020 paired with the new AETNA Low prescription drug plan and no action is required for 2021. However, if you would like to enroll in another Hartford plan or in the AETNA High prescription drug plan with the same Hartford plan as 2020, you must complete a new enrollment form. If you would like to enroll in one of the stand-alone AETNA High or Low prescription drug plans (new for this year), you will need to complete an enrollment form for 2021.
Changes for 2021:
There are now two Enrollment Forms for DSRA Benefit Trust members to help streamline the enrollment process, Pre 65 Form and Post 65 Form.
Pre 65
2021 Pre 65 Open Enrollment Cover Letter
2021 Pre 65 Open Enrollment Guide
2021 Pre 65 Subsidy and Premium Rates
1) The HCTC program is set to expire December 31, 2020. Pre 65 HCTC program participants will be affected much like the 2020 Open Enrollment period without action by Congress to extend the program. Plan participants will be responsible for 100% of the monthly premium, paid directly to Benistar, until Congress acts. As in past years, those participants who retired on or before April 1, 2009 will be eligible for a Trust subsidy. 2021 DSRA Benefit Trust Subsidy amount are now available.
2) Dental +/- Vision plan only participants have the ability to enroll in a High plan or a Low plan. If you choose to make no changes for 2021, you will be automatically enrolled in the Los plan unless you moved to the High plan in 2020. Visit www.dsrabenefittrust.net or view the 2021 Dental and Vision Guide HERE.
Post 65
2021 Post 65 Open Enrollment Cover Letter
2021 Post 65 Health Matters Guide
1) The Hartford has worked with the DSRA Benefit Trust to streamline the plans offered to members in 2021. The Hartford Elite SMIP and GRIP plans have been combined as a nationwide plan. All Hartford plans are now available nationwide to members no matter your state of residence. The benefits for all plans will remain the same. Visit www.dsrabenefittrust.net or view the 2021 Health Matters Guide HERE.
2) The Premium and Choice plans (previously GRIP Premium and Choice) and the Premium Plus (previously SMIP Premium) plan will now be available to ALL DSRA Benefit Trust members nationwide, whereas in previous years was only available to residents of specific states.
3) The 2021 AETNA prescription drug plan is now offered by the DSRA Benefit Trust. There are two levels of prescription drug plans available to members, High and Low. The High plan is comparable to the previous Express Scripts plan. 85% of prescription drug users do not make it to the coverage gap (donut hole). Allowing DSRA Benefit Trust members to tailor their prescription drug needs will save most members a considerable amount each month. Participants with the Hartford will have the option of enrolling in medical +/- high or low prescription drug coverage. In 2021, members will also have the opportunity to enroll in stand-alone prescription drug coverage with AETNA in either the High or Low plan. Take a moment and look through the AETNA Formulary here to ensure your prescriptions are available.
4) The Silver and Fit program is available to ALL Hartford plan participants in 2021.
5) Hartford plan participants will now have the option of an annual physical, up to $500 value, for a $25 copay.
6) Medicare Advantage plans are available to DSRA Benefit Trust members through the Auto VEBA Trust at www.mymedplans.com.
7) Dental +/- Vision plan only participants have the ability to enroll in a High or a Low dental plan. If you choose to make no changes for 2021, you will be automatically enrolled in the Low plan, unless you moved to the High plan in 2020. Visit www.dsrabenefittrust.net or view the 2021 Dental and Vision Guide HERE.
Due to recent plan pricing updates, COVID delays and the HCTC reauthorization timeline, mailed Open Enrollment and OE materials have been delayed this year and will be sent toward the end of November. ALL 2021 Open Enrollment materials are available in this email or on the www.dsrabenefittrust.net website. Do not delay your 2021 Open Enrollment elections.
The 2021 open enrollment period is as follows:
November 1st – December 15th

November 1st – December 7th
(medical and dental & vision – the deadline aligns with the official Medicare open enrollment period)
Please pay close attention to where to send your enrollment forms for 2021 open enrollment or updating – all forms including the IRS form 13441-A will go to:
By mail: Benistar DSRA-BT Client Service Center
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
By fax: (860)408-7025
By email: memelig@benistar.com
For any questions regarding the plans offered in 2021 or other Open Enrollment matters, contact Benistar at 1-888-588-6682.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
2021 Open Enrollment Dates
Delivery Date: 10/16/2020
> What's New in 2021
The DSRA Benefit Trust annual Open Enrollment period is just around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about your 2021 benefit elections. Open enrollment is your opportunity to change plan options, add family members to the plan, or perhaps enroll in a benefit plan for the first time. If you choose to elect the same Pre 65 Blue Cross Blue Shield plans as 2020, no action is required. Post 65 Hartford enrollees will automatically be enrolled in the same Hartford plan as 2020 paired with the new AETNA Low prescription drug plan and no action is required for 2021. However, if you would like to enroll in another Hartford plan or in the AETNA High prescription drug plan with the same Hartford plan as 2020, you must complete a new enrollment form. If you would like to enroll in one of the stand-alone AETNA High or Low prescription drug plans (new for this year), you will need to complete an enrollment form for 2021.
Changes for 2021:
Pre 65
1) The HCTC program is set to expire December 31, 2020. Pre 65 HCTC program participants will be affected much like the 2020 Open Enrollment period without action by Congress to extend the program. Plan participants will be responsible for 100% of the monthly premium until Congress acts. As in past years, those participants who retired on or before April 1, 2009 will be eligible for a Trust subsidy. Specifics will be provided later.
2) Dental +/- Vision plan only participants will have the ability to enroll in a High plan or a Low plan.
Post 65
1) The Hartford has worked with the DSRA Benefit Trust to streamline the plans offered to members in 2021. The Hartford Elite SMIP and GRIP plans have been combined as a nationwide plan. All Hartford plans are now available nationwide to members no matter your state of residence. The benefits for all plans will remain the same.
2) The Premium and Choice plans (previously GRIP Premium and Choice) and the Premium Plus (previously SMIP Premium) plan will now be available to ALL DSRA Benefit Trust members nationwide, whereas in previous years was only available to residents of specific states.
3) The prescription drug plan offered by the DSRA Benefit Trust in 2021 will be through AETNA. In addition there will be two levels of prescription drug plans available to members, High and Low. The High plan is comparable to the previous Express Scripts plan. 85% of prescription drug users do not make it to the coverage gap (donut hole). Allowing DSRA Benefit Trust members to tailor their prescription drug needs will save most members a considerable amount each month. Participants with the Hartford will have the option of enrolling in medical +/- high or low prescription drug coverage. In 2021, members will also have the opportunity to enroll in stand-alone prescription drug coverage with AETNA in either the High or Low plan.
4) The Silver and Fit program will be available to ALL Hartford plan participants.
5) Hartford plan participants will now be offered a annual physical, up to $500, for a $25 copay.
6) Medicare Advantage plans will be available to DSRA Benefit Trust members through the Auto VEBA Trust.
7) Dental +/- Vision plan only participants will have the ability to enroll in a High or a Low dental plan.
Due to recent plan pricing updates, COVID delays and the HCTC reauthorization timeline, Open Enrollment and OE materials have been delayed this year. Pre-65, Post-65 and Dental and Vision Guides and enrollment forms will be posted at the NEW DSRA-BT website www.DSRABenefitTrust.net by November 1, 2020. Please view and/or print the Open Enrollment guides and forms if you would like to review the information prior to receiving your Open Enrollment materials by mail.
The 2021 open enrollment period is as follows:
November 1st – December 15th

November 1st – December 7th
(medical and dental & vision – the deadline aligns with the official Medicare open enrollment period)
As we prepare for our annual open enrollment period, please be aware of the following information. At this time, the HCTC program has not been extended past 12/31/2020. If the HCTC is reauthorized after the current Open Enrollment, we will offer another Open Enrollment period to permit changes to your healthcare elections. Open Enrollment Guides will be mailed and are posted to the DSRA-BT website. Please pay close attention to where to send your enrollment forms for 2021 open enrollment or updating – all forms including the IRS form 13441-A will go to:
By mail: Benistar DSRA-BT Client Service Center
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
By fax: (860)408-7025
By email: memelig@benistar.com
For any questions regarding the plans offered in 2021 or other Open Enrollment matters, contact Benistar beginning November 1st at 1-888-588-6682.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Contact Your Representatives Today!
Delivery Date: 10/06/2020
The Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) is set to expire on December 31, 2020 unless Congress acts NOW to extend the program.
Congress currently has not introduced any Bills recommending the reauthorization of the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) for 2021 and beyond. Without your help, no Bill will make it to the House or Senate floor for a vote! It is extremely important that each of you sit down and write an email, make a phone call or write a letter to express your concern about the lack of action on this critical program that is set to expire on December 31, 2020! Without action by Congress in 2020, participants will pay 100% of the cost of their healthcare while living on a reduced pension or dealing with loss of employment by having their jobs offshored!
We need ALL HANDS ON DECK, regardless of your eligibility status. It is important to have your help for those that remain eligible for this vital program. Take action today to contact local and Washington, DC representative's offices, to make them aware of the importance of this program to you and your family!
In the event the HCTC program is not reauthorized prior to December 2020, the current Blue Cross Blue Shield plans will remain in effect in 2021, however, all plan participants will need to pay 100% of the cost of the premium until the plan is reauthorized. ACT NOW and contact your elected representative and let them know the importance of this plan to you and your family today. Share your story of the benefit of the HCTC program to you now or in the past!
You can find your US Representative and Senators contact information here:
DSRA Benefit Trust Board
USPS Undeliverable HCTC Payment Mail Issue
Member's Push for HCTC Reauthorization-Contact Your Representative
Delivery Date: 08/16/2020
The USPS has encountered a delivery issue that may affect August HCTC participant's payments. If your August HCTC payment was returned to you and marked as "Undeliverable", please overnight your payment again by Monday, August 17th. The IRS/HCTC department has been made aware of the mail delivery issue and will be working with us to ensure members do not have a lapse in coverage due to nonpayment. If you miss the deadline to overnight your returned payment, please contact the DSRA Call Center at 888.588.6682.
The HCTC program is scheduled to expire December 31, 2020. It is time to use the persuasive power of the DSRA Benefit Trust's membership to press Congress for reauthorization of this important program.
Even if you are not an HCTC participant, many of your friends and family depend on this subsidy for affordable healthcare so your voice makes a difference. Congress has recessed and all Senators and Representatives are currently in their local districts until the second week of September. Please call their local offices, schedule appointments and Tele-conference calls and send emails to express your concern for the expiration of this program. It is important for members of Congress to hear from you regarding the Health Coverage Tax Credit. Ask your Congressman to including this program in the pending legislation currently being considered in the Coronavirus Bill. It is very important to have your voices heard by your legislators during this critical time.
We must all work together to ensure the HCTC reauthorization is successful for 2021 and beyond. When contacting your congressperson, express the importance of this program to your family and friends and ask for the program to be extended permanently to keep from having to go through the reauthorization push each year.
To contact your Senators: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
To contact your Representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives
DSRA Benefit Trust has a new website. Please take a minute to give it a test drive by accessing the link on the www.DSRABenefitTrust.net website home page. The new site will replace the existing site in the next month.
IRS 14095 Forms can now be sent to Benistar for Faster Processing
Please take a look at the NEW DSRA Benefit Trust website
Delivery Date: 06/29/2020
The IRS/HCTC department has begun processing IRS 14095 "HCTC Reimbursement Request" forms that were mailed earlier this year. However, there is a backlog of all forms being processed by the IRS due to the closure of the IRS offices from COVID-19. If you have not sent a reimbursement request or if you previously mailed a 14095 form and have not received the HCTC reimbursement, you can now send a completed form to Benistar for a faster reimbursement process. The 14095 form will only be processed once so there is no problem with two forms being submitted for the same reimbursement period. Please fax or email your form to the Benistar DSRA-BT Service Center.
Email: memelig@Benistar.com
Fax: 1-860-408-7025
Call the Benistar DSRA-BT Call Center with any questions 1-888-588-6682.
DSRA Benefit Trust has a new website. Please take a minute to give it a test drive by accessing the link on the www.DSRABenefitTrust.net website home page. The new site will replace the existing site in the next month.
**URGENT** COVID-19 HCTC AMP Enrollee Payment Process
24 Hour/7 Day Nurse Help Line - TeleHealth Services for Pre-65 BCBSM Medical Plan Participants during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Telehealth Service Information for Post-65 Medicare Participants during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Delivery Date: 03/25/2020
** URGENT COVID-19 Impact on HCTC AMP Enrollee Payment Process **
Due to the uncertainty of the IRS/HCTC maintaining an uninterrupted payment process for DSRA Benefit Trust HCTC AMP members during the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS has agreed to allow our members to make their May 2020 27.5% premium payment in advance. This temporary policy will allow DSRA Benefit Trust participants to make ONE additional payment, on or before April 10, for their May 27.5% BCBSM premium. Making the additional 27.5% HCTC AMP May premium payment will ensure you will not have to pay 100% of the May BCBSM premium in the event the IRS/HCTC department or US Bank that processes the payments is restricted from entering their offices which is necessary to process the 27.5% premium payments. Below is an outline for making a second payment by April 10th. DO NOT SEND TWO PAYMENTS AT THE SAME TIME AND DO NOT SEND ONE CHECK FOR TWO PAYMENTS! THE TWO SEPARATE PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 5 DAYS APART.
Payment Instructions:
The second 27.5% HCTC AMP premium payment for May must be mailed no sooner than 5 days after your first 27.5% HCTC AMP premium payment for April (e.g.- if you mailed your April payment on March 25th, you can mail the May payment on March 30th)
The second (May) 27.5% HCTC AMP premium payment must arrive to the IRS/HCTC by April 10th
If you have already mailed your April 27.5% HCTC AMP premium, you can send the second payment for May five days from the date you mailed your first payment.
If you have not mailed the April 27.5% HCTC AMP premium payment, you will need to do this immediately in order to have time to make the second (May) premium payment by April 10th.
If you make two payments at the same time or two payments within less than a five-day time, your second premium payment will be returned to you and you will not have made a premium payment for May.
Remember to include IRS #13973 Payment Coupon with both payments
After making the second (May) premium payment by April 10th, you will not have to make another premium payment until the June 10th deadline.
** 24 Hour/7 Day Nurse Help Line – TeleHealth Services for Pre-65 BCBSM Medical Plan Participants during the COVID-19 Pandemic **
The 24 Hour/7 Day Nurse Help Line (TeleHealth) is available to Pre-65 BCBSM Medical plan participants. This program continues to be available to Pre-65 BCBSM plan participants as it has been in the past however, you may not have used or needed this service before this time. The 24 Hour/7 Day Nurse Help Line phone number can be found on the back of your BCBSM Medical Card. If you have the need to speak with a trained medical expert and would prefer to talk to them over the phone, while at home, use the toll free number on the back of your BCBSM Medical Card for “24HR/7Day Nurse Help Line” to contact them. This benefit is especially helpful during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
** TeleHealth Service Information for Post-65 Medicare Participants during the COVID-19 Pandemic **
As Medicare is the primary coverage, please refer to the Medicare website for information on coverage related to coronavirus https://www.medicare.gov/medicare-coronavirus. Any services approved by Medicare are covered by the Hartford retiree health plan the same as any other illness and based on the client’s specific plan. For some coronavirus services Medicare is covering 100% and there are no deductibles or copays. TeleHealth services covered by original Medicare have been expanded. Contact your Medicare physician or facility to understand their availability to the services they provide via phone, email or teleconference. Please visit https://www.medicare.gov/medicare-coronavirus#500 for more information.
HCTC AMP Enrollees Pre-Filled Payment Coupon Issue
Benistar DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center Affected by COVID-19
Delivery Date: 03/22/2020
**HCTC AMP Enrollees Pre-Filled Payment Coupon Issue**
We have been informed by a handful of HCTC AMP enrollees that the packet of IRS form #13973 payment vouchers recently received from Benistar has information pertaining to someone other than the intended recipient. Please review your payment voucher carefully before mailing them with your payment to the IRS/HCTC. If you have received incorrect pre-filled payment vouchers from Benistar, please destroy them. If you have received the wrong payment voucher in error, beginning with the April payment, print a blank #13973 payment voucher from the IRS website https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13973.pdf and complete as you have done in the past.
The DSRA Benefit Trust Board sincerely apologizes for this error and any inconvenience it may cause. Benistar has informed the Board that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced many operational changes in their main office located in Connecticut. The payment voucher print and mail functions were affected and had to be handed off to a different office. Apparently, the normal verification process to ensure an accurate mailing was not followed.
The Board has decided not to ask Benistar to make another attempt at issuing a 2020 packet of IRS #13973 payment vouchers. We are directing each enrollee to print the required payment voucher for all remaining 2020 payments to the IRS/HCTC. If you need assistance printing your vouchers, please contact Paul Beiter at pbieter@rochester.rr.com. Again, please accept our apologies for this error.
** Benistar DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center Affected by COVID-19**
The Benistar Retiree Service Center located in Avon, Connecticut has been affected by a statewide mandatory shutdown of non-essential businesses. Benistar employees, including Call Center operators, have been provided laptop computers for remote access to the Benistar database of customer information. The Call Center has established a call forwarding protocol which will allow the Call Center to remain in operation. You may experience longer hold times when calling. Thank you for your understanding during this unusual time.
Delivery Date: 03/18/2020
COVID-19, Coronavirus Information for ALL DSRA Benefit Trust Members
The DSRA Benefit Trust Board along with Cone Retiree Healthcare Group and Benistar Retiree Services are in contact with insurance providers regarding COVID-19. The Hartford has not issued an update at this time. To stay up to date, follow the links below for the latest information regarding your insurance benefits and health and safety tips during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Please follow the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control to stay safe during this trying time. We will continue to monitor updates from DSRA Benefit Trust insurance providers and Federal Government Agencies to bring you additional information.
Helpful Links:
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Delivery Date: 03/17/2020
**NEW DENTAL OPTION** Effective May 1, 2020 DSRA-BT and BCBS of Michigan will offer 2 Dental Plan Options to choose from for Pre-65 Stand-alone, Post-65 Stand-alone and Post-65 Hartford participants.
*Participants in BCBSM Bundled plans (Pre-65 HCTC AMP, 100% HCTC payees and Pre-65 Non-HCTC with dental +/- vision) are already in the “High” Plan option and are not affected by this change.
Delivery Date: 03/14/2020
The election committee for the DSRA Benefit Trust is pleased to announce that we have three candidates that have submitted their name for a position on the Board of Directors of DSRA Benefit Trust. These people are Sharon Delezenne who is a current board member. Also, Steve Duca and Greg White.
The DSRA-BT Election Procedure, section 4.8, states the following:
4.8 If, at the end of the nomination process for DSRA BT Board candidates, the number of candidates approved to be eligible to run for the DSRA Board does not exceed the number of open positions available for election, then the DSRA BT Board may declare that an actual election is not required. In this case, all approved candidates will be considered elected Board Members. The current Board will announce the names of the new Board members to the DSRA BT membership immediately.
In accordance with this procedure, the Board is declaring that an election is not required since we have three nominees and three open positions. Therefore, we are announcing that Sharon, Steve and Greg are considered elected Board Members. Sharon will continue in her role as DSRA-BT Board Secretary which is a three-year term. Greg White, Member-at-Large replaces Ken Garber with a remaining two-year term and Steve Duca, Member-at-Large replaces Tom Olney which is a three-year term.
We appreciate Sharon volunteering for one more term and Steve and Greg volunteering for one term.
The Election Committee
Lori Ostrander
Bob von Schwedler
Delivery Date: 03/12/2020
Effective January 1, 2020, Enrollees who turn 65 are no longer automatically enrolled in the Post-65 dental and vision plans and therefore are not required to opt out of the dental and vision plans if they decide to no longer retain their dental and vision coverage. All NEW Post-65 Dental and Vision enrollees including enrollees who turn 65 in the next 60 days, must complete an updated DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form, found on the DSRA Benefit Trust website www.DSRABenefitTrust.net, to enroll in the dental and vision plans offered. DSRA Benefit Trust members turning 65 will receive an “Aging Up” packet 90-120 prior to turning 65. There is a reduction in premium at age 65 with proof of Medicare eligibility. The changes and steps are listed below.
Pre-65 Dental and Vision enrollees must complete and submit the DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form two months prior to turning 65 to remain in the dental &/or vision plans. Another enrollment form is required if a participant wants to enroll in a Medicare supplement/prescription drug plan sponsored by DSRA-BT.
Once enrolled, Benistar will invoice each participant for Dental +/- Vision premiums as well as any additional plans you are enrolled in through the DSRA Benefit Trust
ALL Post-65 premiums including Hartford Medical, Prescription Drug, BCBSM Dental, BCBSM Vision and Guardian Life Insurance will be paid to Benistar effective 01/01/2020. NO 2020 Insurance premiums will be paid directly to BCBSM
Any members who wish to continue to pay their insurance premium with Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) must complete an Electronic Funds Transfer form with Benistar
If you have already established a 2020 EFT with Benistar, you do not have to complete a new form
Any EFT that was established with BCBSM in 2019 should be cancelled by calling BCBSM
Members who have continued their Delphi provided MetLife Life and Accident Insurance benefits via the DSRA Benefit Trust, will continue to make their premium payments directly to MetLife as you did in 2019. No Change.
The completed DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form and EFT Enrolment form should be mailed, faxed or scanned & emailed to Benistar. All Post-65 premium payments should be mailed to the Benistar Retiree Service Center:
Mail: Benistar Retiree Service Center Email: memelig@Benistar.com
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
Fax: 1-860-408-7025
-------- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------
**NEW DENTAL OPTION** Effective May 1, 2020 DSRA-BT and BCBS of Michigan will offer 2 Dental Plan Options to choose from for Pre-65 Stand-alone, Post-65 Stand-alone and Post-65 Hartford participants.
DSRA Benefit Trust members in the groups listed above with Dental +/- Vision insurance plans were set to receive a significant increase to the plans offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield for the 2020 plan year. In an effort to reduce the cost for our DSRA Benefit Trust members, the Board worked with the Cone Retiree Healthcare Group (CRHG) and was able to move these groups to a less expensive plan option for 2020. The current plan offers the same total maximum coverage of $3,000 per plan year utilizing the same BCBSM BlueDental network as in 2019. While the total coverage amounts and dentist network remained the same, there were four changes to the benefits offered in this plan from the previous plan year that we did not adequately share with you. The four changes are listed below:
Crowns, Onlays, Inlays and Veneer Restoration for permanent teeth under the current 2020 plan are covered at 50% of approved amount after deductible once every 60 months per tooth vs. the 2019 coverage of 80% of approved amount after deductible once every 60 months per tooth.
Occlusal Biteguards, under the 2020 current plan are covered at 50% of the approved amount after deductible, once every 12 months vs. the 2019 coverage of 80% of the approved amount after deductible, once every 12 months.
Fluoride Treatments, under the current 2020 plan dependents are covered under the age of 19 vs. the 2019 plan covering Fluoride treatments for any age member.
Orthodontic Services for dependents under age 19 are not covered in the 2020 plan vs. a coverage of 50% of the approved amount for the 2019 plan.
DSRA Benefit Trust plan participants in the groups outlined above were transitioned to this plan effective January 1, 2020 creating a considerable monthly savings of 10-15%. This savings was primarily due to the efforts of the CRHG and is one of the many benefits we had anticipated were possible by working with the CRHG and Benistar. If the four changes in coverage described above are not coverages you require, the Board recommends that you remain in the current plan for all of 2020. If the four coverages would provide a monetary value to you, we are offering a solution, but you will have to act quickly. In order to provide the best insurance options available to our members, the DSRA-BT Board has elected to also offer the same exact coverage level as you had in 2019 beginning May 1, 2020. Therefore, we have secured what we label as a 2020 “High” Plan Dental option utilizing the same dentist network with BlueDental and the exact same coverage levels as members received in 2019. The new “High” Plan option will cost more than the current plan (see premium rate chart below) but will still be 6+% less for Pre-65 Stand-alone enrollees and Post-65 enrollees than the original BCBSM price for 2020. If you wish to make a change back to the High Plan option, BCBSM is offering a one-month window, mid-year change, for dental plan only, with an effective date of MAY 1, 2020. If you wish to remain in the current plan for 2020, which will now be referred to as the “Low” Plan option, you do not have to do anything. To elect changing your coverage level to the High Plan for the remainder of 2020, please complete the DSRA Benefit Trust Benefit Enrollment and Change of Status form found at www.DSRABenefitTrust.net and submit this form to Benistar by March 23, 2020. In addition, any dental benefits received through the BCBSM dental plan in 2020 will be paid according to the plan the member is enrolled in at the time service was provided. Any dental services received thus far in 2020 will continue to carry forward throughout the year if changing to the “High” Plan option.
This new plan option DOES NOT impact Bundled plan participants in Pre-65 HCTC or Pre-65 Non-HCTC or Pre-65 Medicare Disabled plans. These members remain in the High Plan option just as they were in 2019.
For those desiring to make a change in their dental plan effective May 1, 2020, please mail, fax or email your signed and completed form to:
Mail: Benistar Retiree Services Email: memelig@Benistar.com
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
Fax: 1-860-408-7025
Just an FYI…for those enrolled in the Post-65 Hartford medical insurance plan, Benistar agreed to waive 2020 monthly administration fees associated with the dental plans for all of 2020. This is an additional cost savings that began January 1, 2020 for many of our DSRA Benefit Trust participants.
For more information on these updates, please call the DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center at 1-888-588-6682 or contact Cone Retiree Healthcare Group 713.446.3501, John@MyMedPlans.com.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Delivery Date: 03/02/2020
HCTC AMP Payment Coupons
Benistar Invoices
EFT Payments
HCTC Reimbursement(s)
HCTC AMP Payment Coupons
Benistar will be sending pre-filled HCTC AMP Payment Coupons, IRS form #13973, to each HCTC AMP participant. These payment coupons must be included with the monthly premium payment to the IRS for each participant. If you have not received the pre-filled payment coupons in time to make your March premium payment to the IRS, due by March 10th, you should have them in time to make your April premium payment. For HCTC AMP participants who have not received the pre-filled payment coupons and have not made your March premium payment, please print form #13973 from www.IRS.gov and complete the payment coupon to include with your HCTC AMP premium payment. HCTC AMP participants who have been re-enrolled and have received the HCTC Welcome letter must make their March premium payment by March 10th.
Benistar Invoices
You may have received a second invoice from Benistar for the February premium payment. If you were re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP program, have received the Welcome letter from the IRS/HCTC and have made the 27.5% February premium payment to the IRS, please disregard the Benistar invoice. If you are not an HCTC AMP participant and received a second invoice from Benistar but have previously sent your 100% February premium payment to Benistar, please contact the Benistar Retiree Call Center 1-888-588-6682 to verify they have received your February premium payment.
EFT Payments
Effective Monday, February 24, 2020 all EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) forms received by February 14th have been processed by Benistar. DSRA Benefit Trust members who have chosen to use EFT for monthly premium payments should receive notification of their EFT enrollment and should expect to have those funds automatically drafted from their bank accounts between the 7th and 10th of each month apart from any Holiday delay. If you see any irregularities in the EFT from your bank account, please call Benistar Retiree Call Center 1-888-588-6682.
HCTC Reimbursement(s)
After you have been re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP and after you have made one month’s premium payment of 27.5%, you can use IRS form #14095 to request a timelier reimbursement of the 72.5% for the months you pay 100%. If you would prefer to wait and request the reimbursement when filing your 2020 Federal Tax Return, you will use IRS form #8885. Any participants who age up to Medicare before the ability to make a 27.5% premium payment in 2020, will have to wait to file form #8885 with their 2020 Federal Tax Return for the 72.5% reimbursement. Benistar can provide a detailed invoice to assist with your 72.5% reimbursement when submitting form #14095 or form #8885. Contact the Benistar Retiree Call Center 1-888-588-6682 to request the reimbursement invoice.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Delivery Date: 02/23/2020
Request for BOD Candidates
As previously communicated, the DSRA-BT BoD Election Committee will now accept nominations from those individuals interested in being considered as a candidate in the upcoming BoD election. We will accept nominations until March 13, 2020.
To be considered for one of these important positions, you must submit the required documentation that can be found in the “2020 Election Documentation” folder on the www.DSRABenefitTrust.net website by March 13, 2020. Submit your documents as attachments to an email at this address: elections@dsrabenefittrust.net. Immediately thereafter, the candidates will be announced, the resumes will be posted, and the candidates may use public media to promote their candidacy. If we should have fewer candidates than openings, per our Election Procedure, voting will not be held and all approved, eligible candidates will be appointed to the board without a formal election. Note that only one person per household can serve simultaneously.
Contents of the “2020 Candidate Election Materials” folder:
1) Candidate Instructions
2) Candidate Qualifications Requirements
3) Conflict of Interest Policy with Supplier List
4) Candidate Registration Form – must be submitted per instruction
5) Candidate Resume Form – must be submitted per instruction
Candidates that wish to communicate their operating philosophy, goals, objectives, etc. to the eligible voters may do so by adding that information to their resume.
There will be future communications provided concerning the detailed election timing, voter eligibility and instruction.
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Lori Ostrander
Robert von Schwedler
Delivery Date: 02/23/2020
It is once again time to hold elections for our DSRA Benefit Trust Board of Directors (BoD). We have one board member, Sharon Delezenne whose term will expire. Sharon has decided to seek reelection.
If you are interested in being a candidate in the upcoming election, we will issue more specific information in a few days. The following are a few “key dates” to be aware of:
Feb 20 to Mar 13, 2019 – Receive candidate nominations
Mar 14, 2019 – Official announcement of candidates
Mar 14 to Mar 28, 2019 – Polls open for eligible voters
Mar 30, 2019 – Announce election results
Thank you for your consideration,
DSRA BT Election Committee
Lori Ostrander
Robert von Schwedler
Delivery Date: 02/05/2020
The IRS/HCTC department is currently processing 13441-A forms submitted after the extension of the HCTC program this year. You may have recently received a letter from the IRS telling you to send your 13441-A form to them. Please ignore this request. All DSRA HCTC Advanced Monthly Payment (AMP) members should have submitted a 13441-A form to Benistar in order to re-enroll in the HCTC AMP program for 2020. Once your form has been reviewed by Benistar and processed by the HCTC department, you will receive the IRS/HCTC Welcome letter with payment instructions and your PIN. When you receive the IRS letter or if you know your PIN from 2019, contact Benistar and provide your PIN to them. Benistar will send prefilled IRS form #13973 Payment Coupons to each member once you have been re-enrolled in the AMP program.
If you have received the IRS/HCTC Welcome letter, you are re-enrolled and can now make your February 27.5% payment. Do not wait to receive the prefilled coupons from Benistar for the February payment. Print the IRS form #13973 HCTC Payment Coupon (available at www.IRS.gov) and complete for your February payment. The deadline for the February enrollment notification and for sending your February payment by regular mail is February 7th. Any participants who have not received the IRS/HCTC Welcome letter by this date should be prepared to make the 100% premium payment to Benistar for the month of February. After you have been re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP and after you have made one month’s payment of 27.5%, you can use IRS form #14095 to request a timelier reimbursement of the 72.5% for the months you pay 100%. If you would prefer to wait and request the reimbursement when filing your 2020 Federal Tax Return, you will use IRS form #8885.
If you are delayed in sending the February 27.5% payment to the IRS due to late notification, the HCTC department requests you overnight the payment, return receipt requested, no later than February 15th via the USPS to:
U.S. Treasury – HCTC
P.O. Box 970023
St. Louis, MO 63197-0023
FedEx and UPS are not accepted. Due to the February 17th President’s Day Holiday, if you are unable to overnight the 27.5% February payment by February 15th, you will need to make the 100% payment to Benistar for the month of February even if you receive your HCTC Welcome letter after that date. Do not make a payment to Benistar and a payment to the IRS/HCTC for February. If you have already sent your February payment to Benistar, your premium will be paid, and you will start making 27.5% payments to the IRS/HCTC in March.
The IRS/HCTC will accept the HCTC Reimbursement Form #14095 for any months in 2020 you pay 100% of the monthly premium. This form is in lieu of form #8885 filed with your 2020 Federal Tax Return. By using form #14095, you will receive the 72.5% reimbursement for the months you have paid 100%, faster than waiting to file form #8885 with your 2020 Federal Tax Return in 2021. To file form #14095:
You must be re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP program
You must have paid the 27.5% monthly premium for at least one month (e.g. if you are enrolled for February, you can submit form #14095 in March for the 72.5% premium reimbursement of your January 2020 100% premium payment). Please do not send your form #14095 form request in prior to the completion of your first month of paying 27.5% of the cost in order to allow the IRS/HCTC program to process your application in a timely manner. Form #14095 should not be sent to Benistar. This form and any required supporting documents should be mailed directly to the IRS.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Delivery Date: 01/27/2020
Benistar Retiree Services, our plan administrator, is here to assist DSRA Benefit Trust members participating in the HCTC Advanced Monthly Payment (AMP) program with the re-enrollment process. Below are a few IMPORTANT items to ensure you have a smooth transition back into the HCTC AMP program. Please contact Benistar with any questions at 1-888-588-6682.
NEW! A newly completed IRS 13441-A form is required by all participants to re-enroll in the HCTC AMP program for 2020. If you have been enrolled in the HCTC AMP in past years, please include the HCTC Participant Identification Number (PIN) you were assigned by the IRS/HCTC at that time on the top of the 13441-A form.
NEW! All completed 13441-A forms should be sent to Benistar by fax 1-860-408-7025 or email to memelig@benistar.com for review. Benistar will then forward your 13441-A form along with proof of your BCBSM insurance enrollment to the IRS/HCTC department. DO NOT SEND 13441-A FORMS DIRECTLY TO THE IRS.
NEW! ALL DSRA Benefit Trust HCTC AMP participants must call Benistar to provide them with your HCTC PIN . If you were previously enrolled in the HCTC AMP program you already have a PIN, please call 1-888-588-6682 today and provide the PIN to Benistar if you have not already done so. If you are enrolling in the HCTC AMP for the first time, please contact Benistar with your HCTC PIN once you receive the HCTC Welcome Letter.
NEW! Benistar will send pre-filled HCTC payment vouchers to each DSRA Benefit Trust member enrolled in the HCTC AMP program once they have received your HCTC PIN. In the event you do not receive the pre-filled payment vouchers from Benistar in time to make your next monthly payment, print and complete the Form 13973 - HCTC Blank Payment Coupon available on the irs.gov website and follow the instructions on that form for mailing your monthly payment directly to the U.S. Treasury.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
The HCTC program has been reauthorized for 2020 and the HCTC AMP program will begin providing the MONTHY 72.5% subsidy to eligible participants that have returned a newly completed 13441-A form to Benistar, the DSRA-BT Plan Administrator. The monthly program begins again on February 01, 2020, following a brief termination. The recent reauthorization of the program by Congress is for 1 year and now set to expire December 31, 2020. As the AMP program begins, the IRS/HCTC has informed us they will be requiring ALL HCTC AMP participants to complete a new 13441-A form. This is a mandatory action each individual and each family must take, in order to participate in the AMP program for 2020.
* If you fail to complete and return a New 13441-A form to Benistar, the Plan Administrator, you will not be eligible to participate in the AMP program.
* The Special Open Enrollment Period is now available and will run until January 31, 2020. If you intend on making a change to your 2020 BCBSM plan level or if you terminated your BCBSM insurance at the end of 2019 and would like to re-enroll, please complete the DSRA Benefit Trust BCBSM Enrollment form and check “Change”, “Other” and write “Plan Level Change” or “Re-Enrollment”. It would be helpful to also write “Plan Level Change” or “Re-Enrollment” on the top of the form. It is not necessary to check any other boxes in Part I of the form. If you do not wish to make any plan changes for 2020 during this Special Open Enrollment Period, you do not need to complete the DSRA-BT BCBSM Enrollment Form.
* Prior to receiving this email, if you have sent a re-enrollment 13441-A form to Benistar and do not need to update your 2020 plan selection or if you have sent the re-enrollment 13441-A form and have confirmed with Benistar of your plan change for 2020, you do not need to send another 13441-A form or BCBSM Enrollment form. If you have sent the 13441-A form but would like to change your plan level for 2020, please complete the 13441-A form as an update and complete the BCBSM Enrollment form and send both to Benistar as quickly as possible.
* It is also important to remember, the IRS/HCTC will not accept 13441-A forms directly from DSRA Benefit Trust members, as they have in the past, you must send the completed 13441-A form to Benistar. Benistar will review the forms for mistakes and will work with you to correct the information if necessary. Benistar will forward your form to the IRS/HCTC on your behalf along with your updated insurance information.
* Once the IRS/HCTC AMP program receives and approves your enrollment/re-enrollment into the AMP program, they will send you a re-enrollment letter, welcoming you back into the program. You will then be able to make your 27.5% monthly premium payment directly to the IRS. You must include the voucher with your check when sending in your premium payment.
* To ensure you receive the HCTC AMP for February, Benistar should receive your 13441-A form by January 17th. After January 17th, the IRS may not have time to process your form in time for a February AMP start. It is recommended that you fax or email your forms to Benistar. The updated 13441-A sample forms as well as the 13441-A form are available at www.DSRABenefitTrust.net. If you have any questions, please call the Benistar DSRA Call Center at 1-888-588-6682.
Please remember, you must send your 13441-A form to Benistar.
By mail: Benistar DSRA-BT Client Service Center
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
By fax: 1-860-408-7025 By email: memelig@benistar.com
The IRS/HCTC will accept the HCTC Reimbursement Form #14095 for any months in 2020 you pay 100% of the monthly premium. This form is in lieu of form #8885 filed with your 2020 Federal Tax Return. By using form #14095, you will receive the 72.5% reimbursement for the months you have paid 100%, faster than waiting to file form #8885 with your 2020 Federal Tax Return in 2021. To file form #14095:
You must be re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP program
You must have paid the 27.5% monthly premium for at least one month (e.g. if you are enrolled for February, you can submit form #14095 in March for the 72.5% premium reimbursement of your January 2020 100% premium payment). Please do not send your #14095 form request in prior to the completion of your first month of paying 27.5% of the cost in order to allow the IRS/HCTC program to process your application in a timely manner. Form #14095 should not be sent to Benistar. This form and any required supporting documents should be mailed directly to the IRS.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Delivery Date: 01/14/2020
Delivery Date: 12/27/2019
Last week Congress passed, and President Trump signed a spending package that extended the HCTC for one year. DSRA Benefit Trust members will benefit from extension of the HCTC however, due to Congress’ delayed action on this matter, the January invoices which were to be mailed in December have now been delayed and will be sent the second week of January. January premiums will now be due by January 25th. ALL PREMIUM PAYMENTS WILL CONTINUE TO BE PAID TO BENISTAR UNTIL YOU HAVE SUBMITTED A NEW 13441-A FORM AND HAVE RECEIVED A RE-ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION LETTER FROM THE IRS/HCTC. If you already have a HCTC PIN from being enrolled in 2019, your number will be the same in 2020 but you are still required to send a new 13441-A form and until you receive the re-enrollment confirmation from IRS/HCTC you are responsible for paying 100% of the premium to Benistar. For those that signed up and qualified for the Trust subsidy, this will still be reflected in your January invoice. Your reimbursement from the IRS will be 72.5% of the reduced amount. The DSRA Benefit Trust Subsidy will end no later than March 1, 2019.
In addition, the HCTC department will be reopening January 15th. ALL HCTC AMP PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A NEW 13441-A FORM FOR 2020. Here are the steps for completing the re-enrollment process.
1.) Each HCTC AMP participant must complete a new 13441-A form. The 13441-A form and 13441-A form Samples can be found on the DSRA-BT website. If you were recently split from a two person contract to two singles, you must each complete separate 13441-A forms. Please use the attached premiums when completing your 13441-A forms.
2.) If you were enrolled for December 2019 in the HCTC AMP program, it is not necessary to provide proof of eligibility to the IRS when re-enrolling. If you are enrolling for the HCTC AMP program for the first time, you will need to include proof of eligibility.
3.) Mail, Fax or Email your completed 13441-A form (and proof of eligibility if you are a new HCTC AMP enrollee) to:
Mail: Benistar Retiree Services Email: memelig@benistar.com
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001 Fax: 1-860-408-7025
4.) Benistar will review and forward your 13441-A form along with proof of your BCBSM insurance premium to the HCTC department. Benistar will contact you if there are any corrections to be made to your 13441-A forms. Do not mail your 13441-A forms directly to the IRS. They will be rejected without the BCBSM spreadsheet being provided to the IRS/HCTC by Benistar.
5.) Once you have received the new Welcome Letter from the HCTC, you are enrolled and will start making the 27.5% premium payments to the IRS along with your voucher. Continue to pay 100% of the BCBSM monthly premium to Benistar until you receive the Welcome Letter. It may take up to 6 weeks to receive the Welcome Letter so submit your 13441-A form to Benistar as soon as possible.
6.) Call Benistar 1-888-588-6682 with your HCTC PIN once you are re-enrolled. If you have not received new vouchers from Benistar with your PIN, print the voucher from the IRS website and include your PIN on the voucher.
Congress has made the HCTC subsidy retroactive for those participants paying 100% in a qualified plan such as the DSRA Benefit Trust plan. You will receive the 72.5% subsidy reimbursement, for the months in 2020 that you pay 100% of the premium, by completing the necessary IRS form 8885 with your 2020 Federal Tax Return. If you participated in the HCTC AMP program in 2019 and terminated your Pre-65 DSRA Benefit Trust insurance because of the uncertainty of the HCTC reauthorization but would now like to continue to stay in the plans for January 2020, you can call Benistar at 1-888-588-6682 before January 1st and request to remain in the same plan that you ended 2019 with. You will be responsible for paying 100% of the monthly premium to Benistar until you are re-enrolled in the HCTC AMP program, but you will receive the 72.5% subsidy reimbursement with your 2020 Federal Tax Return.
The DSRA Benefit Trust and BCBSM will offer a special Open Enrollment period with the reauthorization of the HCTC program. DSRA Benefit Trust members will have the opportunity to make benefit election changes and to enroll or re-enroll if you had terminated your insurance at the end of 2019. More information regarding the dates for the special Open Enrollment period will follow soon. If you elect to make changes to your plan during the special Open Enrollment period, you will also have to complete a second 13441-A form updating those changes with the IRS/HCTC. For members who did not change plan levels at the end of 2019 or for those not wanting to change their 2020 plan level, you do not need to go through the special Open Enrollment process.
The one-year reauthorization of the HCTC program is a relief but not the five-year or permanent status we had hoped for and asked for. Therefore, we ask you to continue to bring this important program to the attention of your representatives in Washington, DC by thanking them for the 12 months while asking them to support a more permanent option. We must remain vigilant in our efforts to keep this important benefit available to DSRA Benefit Trust members.
If you have any questions regarding your 2020 DSRA Benefit Trust insurance plans both Pre-65 and Post-65, please call Benistar, the DSRA Benefit Trust administrator, at 1-888-588-6682.
Stay tuned for more information!
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Delivery Date: 12/17/2019
We have great news to share. The final fiscal year 2020 Congressional funding bill released today includes a short-term (1 year) extension of the Health Coverage Tax Credit through the end of 2020. The bill still has to be signed by the President but it appears all parties have indicated support for the bill.
Much appreciation goes out to all who communicated the need for this extension with your Representatives. Please see the announcement from Senator Portman’s office. We will have to take up the battle again in 2020 but for now we can breathe a sigh of relief for the immediate future.
Information will be forthcoming shortly about a special Open Enrollment window to allow enrollees to make changes to their medical coverage.
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Contact: Emily Benavides (Portman) 202-224-5190
Matthew Keyes (Brown) 202-224-3978
Portman, Brown Announce Final FY 2020 Funding Bill Includes Extension of Health Coverage Tax Credit
Health Coverage Tax Credit is Critically Important for Thousands of Hardworking Retirees in Ohio
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced that the final FY 2020 funding bill released includes a short-term extension of the Health Coverage Tax Credit through the end of 2020. This credit helps subsidize the cost of continued coverage for retirees and other individuals who lost their health care coverage — in addition to their pensions and other benefits — when their employers either entered into bankruptcy or laid off workers due to foreign trade. Earlier this year, Portman and Brown introduced bipartisan legislation that would extend for five years the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC). The HCTC is critically important for many hardworking Ohioans, including as many as 5,000 Delphi salaried retirees in Dayton, the Mahoning Valley, and Sandusky. In addition, a few hundred workers from the Lordstown General Motors plant have applied for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and would benefit from the HCTC as well.
“Thousands of retirees in Ohio and their families depend on the Health Coverage Tax Credit, and I’m pleased the funding bill includes an extension of this credit, even if it is only for one year,” Portman said. “Since I came to the Senate, I’ve fought for multiple extensions of the HCTC, including my bill that was included in the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 the last time the credit was extended. These hardworking Ohioans rely on the HCTC for affordable health insurance after their pensions were terminated or after they were adversely affected by foreign trade, and I will continue to work with my colleagues and the administration to ensure the stability of health coverage for these individuals and their families. While this short-term extension is less than the five years I called for in my legislation with Senator Brown, I’m still pleased that we were able to prevent the expiration of this credit, providing certainty to thousands of Ohioans.”
“The Health Coverage Tax Credit is a lifeline for thousands of Ohioans, many of whom are living on fixed incomes after losing their pensions and healthcare. This critical legislation will help ensure these retirees and workers get the relief they need in order to afford healthcare,” said Brown.
NOTE: The HCTC, which is set to expire on January 1, 2020, helps to reduce the cost of maintaining health insurance coverage for a number of individuals that are either receiving TAA benefits or are between the ages of 55-64 years old whose pensions were terminated and are being administered by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Portman and Brown worked together to extend this tax credit in 2011 and again in 2015.
Delivery Date: 11/13/2019
With the many changes occurring during the 2020 Open Enrollment period, the DSRA Benefit Trust would like to take this opportunity to communicate clarifications and updates to DSRA Benefit Trust members. Please review the items of interest brought to the Board’s attention during open enrollment which are listed below in this email. If you have questions regarding any of these issues or others not addressed here, the Benistar DSRA Benefit Trust Call Center is available at 1-888-588-6682. You can also contact Cone Retiree Healthcare Group at 1-713-446-3501 for assistance.
Pre-65 Open Enrollment
ALL Blue Cross Blue Shield two-person contracts will automatically be split into two single contracts. If you have received a BCBSM December invoice for a two-person contract, you will be receiving an updated invoice for two single premiums within the next week. You will need to pay two single 2019 premiums for the month of December. Going forward into 2020 you will pay two single premiums at the 2020 rates. All HCTC AMP participants in a two-person contract must complete and send to the IRS two 13441-A forms by November 15th. Please call 713-446-3501 or email John@mymedplans.com for help completing the 13441-A forms.
The HCTC program has not been extended past 12/31/2019 at this time. All 2020 Premium payments will be paid to Benistar at 100% of the premium amount beginning in January 2020. Benistar’s accepted forms of payment are check, money order or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). To establish an EFT payment with Benistar, look for the EFT information in your January 2020 invoice you will be receiving in December or call Benistar at 1-888-588-6682.
If the HCTC program is reauthorized, there will be a special Open Enrollment period to allow for re-enrollment or plan level changes in the BCBSM plans at that time.
Please ensure that if you are making a change, enrolling or requesting a subsidy for 2020 to sign the DSRA Benefit Trust Enrollment form when sending to Benistar. The form must be signed for Benistar to process.
If you are not making any changes to your 2019 plan selections and not requesting a subsidy, your 2019 benefits will carry forward to 2020. You do not need to do anything.
You will receive an invoice in mid to late December from Benistar for any plans you are enrolled in through the DSRA Benefit Trust’s providers. Please review the plans itemized on your invoice and contact Benistar with any discrepancies.
The DSRA Benefit Trust provides a subsidy for members that were Salary workers, retired and receiving pensions prior to April 2, 2009. Only one member per household is eligible for the DSRA Benefit Trust subsidy unless both were Delphi retirees and meet the above criteria. You must complete a 2020 Insurance Enrollment Form and include on the top of the form “Applying for DSRA-BT Subsidy” along with proof of your retirement date and send to Benistar for approval.
The DSRA Benefit Trust was able to secure a more favorable premium for the StandAlone Dental and Vision plans for 2020; however, the Pre-65 Open Enrollment Benefits Guide was printed before these rates were secured. Therefore, the Dental and Vision rates in the Pre-65 Benefits Guide are not accurate. The 2020 Dental and Vision Only Benefit Guide has the correct rates since it was printed after the more favorable rates were established. The updated Pre-65 Benefits Guide is available on the DSRA Benefit Trust website dsrabenefittrust.net with the corrected Dental and Vision premiums.
Those members enrolling in StandAlone Dental and Vision plans will use the DSRA Benefit Trust Enrollment Form available on the DSRA Benefit Trust website dsrabenefittrust.net . If you are already enrolled in StandAlone Dental and/or Vision plans and not making any changes to your 2019 plans, you do not have to do anything. Your 2019 plans will carry forward to 2020.
New medical cards will be arriving to plan participants between January 1st – 31st. If your doctor is unable to process your insurance approval with your 2019 medical card and you have not received a new medical card yet, contact Benistar for assistance 1-888-588-6682.
Benistar accepts three forms of payment, personal check, money order and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
If you have used auto payments such as EFT for your premiums in 2019, you must re-establish EFT payments for 2020 premiums with Benistar. The EFT enrollment information will be included in your January insurance premium invoice from Benistar or you can call Benistar for more information on establishing automatic EFT payments for 2020. Autopay services such as EFT from 2019 with Mercer/BCBS will not carryover to 2020!
If you have not received the Pre-65 Open Enrollment materials by mail and would like to have them emailed to you, send an email requesting either the Pre-65 Benefits Guide or the Dental and Vision Benefits Guide to John@mymedplans.com or visit dsrabenefittrust.net where you can find all 2020 open enrollment materials.
Post-65 Open Enrollment
Benistar, our new plan administrator, will send itemized invoices each month outlining your insurance plan selections and their premiums.
Invoices for January 2020 will be sent by Benistar the third week of December. Please review the invoices for accuracy and call Benistar with any concerns 1-888-588-6682.
Please ensure that you sign the Enrollment form whether you are enrolling or making a change for 2020. The form must be signed when returned to Benistar.
If you are not making any changes to your 2019 plan selections, your 2019 benefits will carry forward to 2020. You do not need to do anything.
The Dental and Vision Open Enrollment period is November 1st – December 7th. The Post-65 Health Matters Guide Cover Letter mistakenly said that the open enrollment period for Dental and Vision ended on November 15th.
Those members enrolling in StandAlone Dental and Vision plans will use the DSRA Benefit Trust Enrollment Form available on the DSRA Benefit Trust website dsrabenefittrust.net . If you are already enrolled in StandAlone Dental and/or Vision plans and not making any changes to your 2019 plans, you do not have to do anything. Your 2019 plans will carry forward to 2020.
New medical cards will be arriving to plan participants between January 1st – 31st. If your doctor is unable to process your insurance approval with your 2019 medical card and you have not received a new medical card yet, contact Benistar for assistance 1-888-588-6682.
Benistar accepts three forms of payment, personal check, money order and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
If you have used auto payments such as EFT for your premiums in 2019, you must re-establish EFT payments for 2020 premiums with Benistar. The EFT enrollment information will be included in your January insurance premium invoice from Benistar or you can call Benistar for more information on establishing automatic EFT payments for 2020. Autopay services such as EFT from 2019 will not carryover to 2020!
If you have not received the Post-65 Open Enrollment materials by mail and would like to have them emailed to you, send an email requesting either the Post-65 Health Matters Guide or the Dental and Vision Benefits Guide to John@mymedplans.com or visit dsrabenefittrust.net where you can find all 2020 open enrollment materials.
The open enrollment period is as follows:
November 1st – November 15th
**Please send your enrollment forms for 2020 open enrollment or updating to Benistar.
November 1st – December 7th
(medical and dental & vision – the deadline aligns with the official Medicare open enrollment period)
By mail: Benistar DSRA-BT Client Service Center
10 Tower Lane, Suite 100
Avon, CT 06001
By fax: (860)408-7025
By email: memelig@benistar.com
For any questions regarding the plans offered in 2020 or other Open Enrollment matters, contact Benistar, our new plan administrator, 1-888-588-6682.
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors
Plan Administrator and Insurance Broker change coming for DSRA-Benefit Trust Members
Last Updated: 27 September 2019
The DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors has entered into a three-year agreement with a new insurance broker, Cone Retiree Healthcare Group, LLC. (CRHG), to represent the DSRA-Benefit Trust eligible plan participants, current and future, with healthcare options for Pre-65 and Post-65. CRHG will also represent the Trust regarding Life Insurance for eligible participants under the newly signed agreement. Cone Retiree Healthcare Group has been actively supporting those American workers affected by corporate bankruptcy and foreign trade since 2009. Their knowledge of both the Health Coverage Tax Credit and Medicare will benefit the DSRA-Benefit Trust members as we continue to offer the best insurance plans available to our participants.
In addition to the insurance broker change, the DSRA-Benefit Trust will also be moving the Plan Administration and Call Center duties to Benistar Client Services and to the Benistar Retiree Service Center for Pre-65 and Post-65 plan participant’s healthcare benefits beginning January 2020. Benistar Client Services has extensive experience with the Health Coverage Tax Credit and with Medicare. This change will allow our members a more streamlined approach to navigating their insurance plans by providing a single point of contact for both Pre-65 and Post-65 with one toll free number for all participants answered by the DSRA-Benefit Trust Call Center at the Benistar Retiree Service Center. The toll-free phone number will be sent to all members once the transition takes place.
Please be on the lookout for additional details coming soon!
DSRA-Benefit Trust Board of Directors